thirty-five [•] caught in the bathroom

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After that meet and greet, Trixie and Katya flew away to the next gay bar for their performance. Trixie kisses Katya, scared of what will happen next.

" I'm scared. "

" What's wrong? " Katya consoles.

It was finally time for Trixie to spew out the fear from her mouth, to vomit the doubt. She needed to feel like she was cared for.

" I'm scared for you. "

Katya was confused, " Why is she scared? " she thought. She had her first option, the performance. But that option didn't pass into Katya's thinking, Trixie would never stand like a  lifeless fly. She doesn't take cocktails before her performance unlike Katya.

" Why are you scared Trixie? I'm worried. "

Trixie was shaking. " Spit it out Trixie. Spit. It. Out. " She whispered to herself. She felt like she was stabbed on the back, she felt like she needed to vomit for atleast an hour, she felt like she was stuck in a tight room with sharpened needles. Trixie can't take it anymore, and so does her tear ducts.

" Ma'am you're at your destination. " the driver reminds.

Her reality snapped back, running to the entrance as fast as she can with her heels that are already making her feet itch. " DON'T YOU FUCKING CRY TRIXIE! YOU MIGHT END UP GIVING YOURSELF A BLACK WATERFALL WITH MASCARA! " She felt lifeless. Trixie ran to the backstage, ignoring all the people who were rambling about relationships and shit. Katya was close to the backstage, Trixie was sweating from head to toe. Hell, she's so scared for Katya that her brain even sweats like a malfunctioning machine at a waffle factory. Trixie calmed down, and grasped her water bottle carefully. She drinks while trying not to slip the water bottle with her sweaty palm. It's performance time. Trixie walks out like nothing happened, her makeup had no smudge, even her eyes don't look like their about to spew out tears from fear.

" Sorry for the long wait. " Trixie apologized.

It seems fine for the fans. Trixie hears the music, " Oh shit, it's an inspirational song. " she thought. She forgot that she requested something tears-worthy, and that came the indcident, tough luck. And then, walked in Katya. The song is about to finish alongside with Trixie's lip sync, there was no time to cry and trip on the stairs with itchy heels. The song ended, a wave of relief entered Trixie's air as Katya disappeared in plain sight. Fuck this shit.

Trixie knows what's gonna happen. Katya gets stabbed in the bathroom and takes another trip to the hospital, end of story for Trixie. She rushed to the bathroom where her prediction came true. Tears are coming for Trixie like that nasty fucking wave that flipped their boat over. She took the guy's neck and pinned him to the tile wall, grabbing his pocket knife and stabbing him repeatedly with tears streaming down as hard as Katya kicks a guy's dick. Blood was everywhere, hell, one side of the wall is a partial red wall with just a tiny corner that's still white. His life was draining out of his face, his whole body transitioned into a pale white-ish gray. Katya on the other hand was...mortified. She was glued to the corner of the bathroom watching Trixie stab a fucking man to death. The guy's body slopped down to the floor, Katya was staring at Trixie who was bloody as fuck.

" I....I'm such a mess. "

Trixie runs outside of the club, leaving Katya who overall felt bad for Trixie, starting from that damn Uber that sent them here.

chapter 35 end
and holy fuck that was long

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