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Ready to be free? Warmest welcome I'll give to you, then. Welcome to the world where being free isn't as hard as you thought it would be. It will all just take a minute of your time to read, to once again dive into their world, to explore in one sitting-to be free. And how freer could you ever get with all the characters along side you as you read on? Welcome, to your's truly's book, Free! Eternal Thoughts.

Eternal Thoughts, to make it short, is the second book I've ever put out in wattpad. The first one was Diabolik Thoughts, based off of the anime Diabolik Lovers and the entire book is all about double drabble one shots of the characters x the reader. You. Now, Eternal Thoughts will be very much like it. Entirely made of short, lovely oneshots that I hope would melt your hearts.

After getting such nice feedbacks from my very first book, I was beyond motivated to start working on another book. To work upon one of the animes aside from Diabolik Lovers that took my breath away. Free! Eternal Summer. I've always had the plan at the back of my head, halfway through my first book I kind of thought why not make a separate book for Free! because, c'mon, the anime's worth to keep coming back on.

Now here the book is, presented out in the open at last, exclusively just for you. I know I have published my book late-seriously I'm always a couple of years late-and I'm more than sure a lot of authors before me had already published their own books, but I'm not turning back. I want to still entertain incoming lovely readers my own way and even if it means I'm far too behind, I'll still go all the way.

I'll say this time and time again, read any of the chapters at night or anywhere peacefully quiet. You'll feel the feels better that way. Though we all have our own reading patterns, I'm genuinely not forcing you to read it my way. But this really works. Reading something in a rush, reading something when you're completely bored, what's the point of reading there? You won't absorb anything, you just read, you don't understand.

Request are forever open, if that's possible, so you can all openly suggest anything you want me to work on depending on how you like it to be. I'm always free. I love ideas, lots of ideas and it will be an honor for me to be able to work with one of you or to work for one of you. Know that you're free to request as much as you want. So yeah, I'm open for discussions may it be your creative ideas even your negative remarks.

Oneshots will contain:

*some Lemon
and many more.

For those of you looking for a playlist, all I can say is it's up to you. Feel free to listen to whichever song you want while reading any of the chapters, slow songs preferably. All Of The Stars of Ed Sheeran is good, you can also try Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift. Mine by Bazzi will do, too. The anime's official soundtracks can be used as well. But really, it's up to you.

To end this introduction, I would like to once again plug my book, Diabolik Thoughts. It would mean the world to me if you check it out, much more if you give it a try so make sure you add it to your library, vote and comment, over and over, repeat. Let's all keep the Diaspirit going. Again, Diabolik Thoughts, "he will own you, all for himself".

 Again, Diabolik Thoughts, "he will own you, all for himself"

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I'll be your author all through out this book, yarxxz,

...And it's time to set you free.

Free! Eternal ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now