Worse News - Chap. 1

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Chapter 1


‘’Bye Jay, see you Monday!’’ Camila yells as she walks out of the bar. She hears a faint ‘’Bye!’’ coming from her boss as she closes the door behind her. She sighs and closes her leather jacket. It’s getting cold outside. After almost four years, she’s still not used to the cold winters of New York.

Camila pulls on her hood, shoves her hands in her pockets and starts the walk to the lunch bar. It’s a ten minute walk, and after the smell of alcohol around her for almost five hours, Camila loves the fresh air her walk is giving her. She smiles when she thinks about her destination, she can’t wait to see her again.

Camila knows it’s ridiculous. She had only seen her this morning, kissed her before she dropped her off at Casey’s, the lunch bar Lauren works at. But still, Camila has missed her. Missed her smile, missed her touch, her eyes, and she definitely already missed her lips.

Camila was lost in her thoughts. So lost, she had almost walked right past the lunch bar. She shook her head and smiled to herself when she opened the door. The place was quiet, most of the costumers already gone.

‘’Camila!’’ she heard somebody yell from the counter. She looked up and smiled back at Maria. ‘’Hey, how are you?’’ Camila responds, starting her search around the lunch bar for her girlfriend. ‘’Great! Heard about the engagement, congratulations!’’ Maria half yells through the bar, running up to Camila and making a few people stare at them.

Camila pulls her hands out of her pockets just in time to catch Maria, who throws herself into her arms. Camila stumbles back a bit, trying to push Maria away from her a little. ‘’Uhm, thanks.’’ She responds. Maria leans back from their hug and smiles up at her, not moving away. Camila smiles at her shortly and moves her eyes to scan the place again.

‘’I heard Lauren talking about the way you asked her, that’s very romantic Mila.’’ Maria says smiling, looking up at Camila through her eyelashes. ‘’Uh yeah, thanks. Speaking about her, do you know where she is?’’ Camila asks, trying to take a step back from the girl in front of her.

‘’Why the rush?’’ Maria asks back, winking at Camila. Camila frowns at her and sighs. ‘’Because I missed my fiancé.’’ She answers simply, making Maria’s smile disappear quickly. Maria looks down just when a voice is heard behind her.

‘’Hey, I thought I heard your voice!’’ Lauren says loudly, making her presence known to Maria. Camila looks up and a smile immediately makes its way to her face. Maria finally takes a step back, and without looking at her, Camila walks past her. ‘’Hey baby.’’ She says, wrapping her arms around Lauren as soon as she is within reach.

Lauren smiles up at her and kisses her lips sweetly. ‘’Hmm, I’ve missed you.’’ Camila whispers, but loud enough for Maria to hear it. Lauren grins and pulls away from her. ‘’Let me get my stuff, be right back.’’ She says and Camila nods.

Maria looks at her and smirks. Then she walks back to the counter and starts cleaning up. A few minutes later, Lauren appears again with her jacket on and her bag in hand. ‘’Alright, ready to go!’’ she says happily, grabbing Camila’s hand and dragging her out of the lunch room. ‘’Bye Maria!’’ Lauren yells over her shoulder to her co-worker.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now