Worse News - Chap. 9

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Chapter 9


‘’Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?’’ The man looks at the people at the side of the court room. ‘’Yes your honor.’’ One of them answers. The judge nods and the man stands up to hand him the papers with the verdict.


Camila takes a deep breath, her heart beating loudly in her chest. The judge clears her throat. ‘’State of Florida versus Camila Cabello. The state charges Ms. Cabello for the murders on Ally Brooke Hernandez, Mark Kaylen, Wesley Stromberg and Drew Chadwick. Verdict: We the jury find Camila Cabello, guilty.’’


Camila’s eyes widen, as she hears somebody scream behind her. She’s frozen. Then she feels her hands being pushed onto her back as the cuffs are being fastened on her wrists. Her knees give in, as another cry is heard throughout the court room. She knows it’s her, but she can’t look at her. It’s over. It’s done.


Just when she’s being pushed to walk out of the court room, with four police officers around her, she feels a body crash into hers with a loud scream.


Camila’s eyes fly open, she’s panting heavily, her heart pumping wildly in her chest. Sweat is dripping off her head as she carefully pushes a still sleeping Lauren off of her. She sits up, trying to orientate herself and throws her legs over the side of the bed. She looks down, trying to get her breathing under control. Her hands are shaking, the images of her nightmare repeating themselves in her head.

She pushes herself up on her feet, and walks out of the bedroom. She grips the wall when she stumbles towards the kitchen, feeling dizzy. She can still hear her scream. That ear piercing, heart breaking, soul wrenching ‘No!’.

Camila shakes her head, pouring herself a glass of water. She gulps it down and makes her way to the window. She sits down in front of it, looking outside. It feels like she just fell asleep five minutes ago. She’s tired. Her body is aching for some rest, and so is her mind. The bags under her eyes are growing heavier.

She sighs and her eyes wonder off to the pictures on the wall. The smiling faces of her friends and her fiancé, make her tremble. Tremble with fear. She can’t lose them. What if her nightmare is going to come true? She’s going to spend the rest of her life in jail, not being able to really live anymore. How could she leave Lauren behind like that? What would Camila do without the love of her life around her? She can’t make Lauren wait for her, because she would never get out.

She’d have to tell her to continue her life without her, tell her to move on. Tell her to live. The thought alone makes tears appear in Camila’s eyes. Her heart feels heavy with the thought that she’d have to let her go.

Camila wraps her arms around her pulled up knees and rests her head against them as she lets the tears fall freely. Illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, she sits there and cries silently, not wanting to wake Lauren up.

After a while, she looks up. Again, she looks at the pictures on the wall. She sees the one with Tyler. Then her heart breaks all over again. She wouldn’t be able to see his kid grow up. The kid she already sees as her niece or nephew. The kid she would protect with her own life. She wouldn’t get to see anything about his or her life from inside a jail cell.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now