Worse News - Chap. 21

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Chapter 21


’Finally, took your time there huh?’’ He teases as Camila is finally brought into the visitor’s room. ‘’Shut up man, I had to walk from the other side of this prison. That takes a while.’’ She answers, making the boy in front of her smile.

Mallard smiles too, as he un-cuffs Camila’s wrists behind her back and closes the door behind her, leaving her alone in the room with her best friend. ‘’Not that I’m not happy you’re here, but where’s Lauren?’’ Camila asks while greeting Tyler with a hug.

‘’Well, she feels better seeing you at the evening visitor’s hour instead of the morning one.’’ Tyler answers, as he sits back down across from his best friend. ‘’Why?’’ Camila asks, leaning back in her chair comfortably.

Her mood has improved a hundred times since yesterday when she first saw Lauren, Tyler and Blaze again. She’s been much happier and thinking about all the good things that have been in her life instead of just the bad ones.

‘’It’s easier, I guess. During the day she can distract herself easier, but when it becomes the evening and night, it hits her a bit harder.’’ Tyler answers, making Camila nod in understanding. The nights alone are the worst.

‘’How’s your little one though?’’ Camila asks with a smile, not wanting to think about missing Lauren, and trying to focus on something else. Tyler smiles immediately. ‘’Good. She’s back in the hospital with Mani now, and I’ll pick them up when I leave here to take them home.’’ He tells her excitedly.

Camila nods. ‘’So she’s feeling good enough to go home already?’’ she checks again, making Tyler nod with a happy and relieved smile.

‘’Yeah, she’s feeling much better. Still on a lot of pain killers though, but I guess that’s normal. I don’t even want to think about squeezing out a baby. Never knew a VG can stretch that far.’’ He answers, his eyes big and a bit horrified as he thinks back to his girlfriend giving birth to their daughter. Camila laughs.

‘’And that’s why woman are the stronger sex. We can squeeze out babies while you can’t take a hit in the nuts.’’ She answers with a smile. Tyler sits up and points his finger at her. ‘’Hey, if you can’t feel how a kick in the nuts feels, you can’t judge.’’ He says pointedly.

‘’And if you can’t give birth, then no judgments on how it looks.’’ Camila says back, raising her eyebrow teasingly. Tyler opens his mouth to say something back, but then nods when he can’t come up with anything.

‘’Alright, fair enough.’’ He says with a smile, loving the way he and Camila are bickering again, and seeing the happy and teasing side of his best friend. Camila smiles back and nods in victory.

‘’But seriously though, I thought she was going to break every bone in her body. She almost broke my hand.’’ Tyler continues on the previous subject before their bickering came in the way. Camila smiles and shakes her head.

‘’Like I said Ty, woman are made to be able to do that. Though it must hurt as fuck, so you can’t complain about your little hand there buddy.’’ She replies, making Tyler nod in agreement. ‘’Hmm true.’’ He answers with a smile, before furrowing his eyebrows and looking at Camila’s hand.

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