Worse News - Chap. 16

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Chapter 16


‘’Mr. Mallard, can you please tell us what you found on the crime scene?’’ A neutral lawyer asks him. Both Lasser and Duncan aren’t allowed to ask Mallard questions, because he will purely tell the facts and is not seen as a witness in this case.

‘’On the crime scene, we found four dead bodies, being Ally Brooke Hernandez, Wesley Stromberg, Drew Chadwick and Mark Kaylen. All four bodies were in a far state of dissolution, so it was very hard for us to figure out who they were.

The room was dusty and the smell was absolutely horrible. There were a lot of blood traces in all directions, so it wasn’t clear for us where we should start. We found a lot of blood that belonged to our four bodies, but there was also blood of two unknown persons. We came into contact with Keaton, who was able to tell us who they were because of our reconstructions of their faces. He also named two people who the unknown blood could have belonged to. When this investigation started, Camila and Tyler both gave us blood samples so we could compare it to the blood we found on the crime scene. It was a positive match for the both of them.’’ Mallard says simply, keeping his face blank from any emotion.

‘’Were there traces of blood from Camila and Tyler on the bodies that you found?’’ the lawyer asks. Camila looks at Keaton, who is looking at Mallard with slightly widened eyes. Camila frowns. This should be the most relaxing part for him, just hearing the facts without having to do anything himself. She sighs and looks back at mallard who continues to answer the questions.

‘’Yes. We found a lot of blood from Tyler. So much that it actually surprised me that he came out of it alive.’’ Camila nods in agreement, thinking back to the pools of blood Tyler was lying in. ‘’There was blood from Tyler on everybody. Most of it was on Mark and Ally though. We found traces of Camila’s blood on everybody too. We also saw injuries on Mark, Drew and Wesley’s hands and knuckles, indicating that they were in a big fight just before they died.’’ He says, looking briefly at Camila while confirming her original story.

Camila nods slightly at him, hoping that now that they have some kind of proof that she told the truth, her punishment would be a little bit lower.

‘’Downstairs we only found the blood of Drew, Wesley and Tyler, proving Camila’s story about Tyler staying downstairs with them so Camila could go upstairs to find Lauren. We also found the gun under the bed, where Camila told us it would be because she kicked it there in order to prevent Ally from grabbing it. All the places in the room Camila told us about during our investigation, were the exact same places where the bodies and the blood were found.’’ Mallard continues to confirm Camila’s story, making a small smile appear on Camila’s face in slight relieve.

‘’Thank you detective Mallard.’’ The lawyer says, as they talked about all the facts of the crime scene. Mallard nods and stands up to take his seat back in the audience behind Camila. ‘’I would like to call up Tyler Blackburn as the next and final witness.’’ Judge Johnson says. Camila turns around in her seat to see Tyler standing up from his seat next to Lauren and Normani.

He smiles at her in reassurance for a moment and then continues his walk to the desk next to Judge Johnson. As he sits down, Duncan stands up too. Camila takes a deep breath, hoping that Duncan will cut Tyler some slack and not be too hard on him.

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