Worse News - Chap. 20

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Chapter 20


‘’Are you sure you want to do this?’’ Clara asks her daughter in concern. Lauren nods. ‘’Of course. Why would I not?’’ She asks, looking at her mom with furrowed eyebrows. ‘’Because honey... Maybe it’s better to uhm, to try and distance yourself a bit.’’ Clara answers carefully.

‘’What do you mean?’’ Lauren asks again, not really understanding where her mother was going with this. Clara takes a deep breath. ‘’Sweetie, you have to say goodbye to Camila soon, don’t you think it’s better to start creating some distance now? I mean, maybe her death will be less hard on you if you don’t visit her that often and try to get used to her not being around anymore.’’ Clara says, her voice shaking slightly in fear of her daughter’s reaction.

Lauren chuckles. ‘’Mom, Camila’s death will kill me anyway, so I just want to see her as much as I can until then. Don’t try to keep me away from her, cause it won’t work.’’ Lauren answers, highly unamused by what her mother is telling her.

Clara shakes her head. ‘’I would never try to keep you away from her. I just thought that this might not be a good idea in the end. But I support your choice honey, I really do.’’ She says, pulling her daughter in a tight hug as they wait in the hallway of the jail Camila is held.

‘’I know you only want what’s best for me mom, but that is Camz. She always will be.’’ Lauren mutters in her mom’s shoulder.

Clara nods and kisses the top of Lauren’s head. ‘’I know sweetie. I know.’’ She says softly. After they pull away from their hug, Clara reaches out and pushes a strand of dark hair behind Lauren’s ear. ‘’Are you ready to see her?’’ she asks softly, looking at her visibly exhausted daughter.

Lauren just sighs and nods with a small smile. ‘’I wasn’t allowed to see her for three days, I don’t think we’ve ever spent that much time apart. I can’t wait.’’ She answers slowly, smiling to herself of the prospect of seeing her again.


Lauren turns around when she hears the low voice call her name. ‘’Detective Mallard, hey.’’ She greets the man who’s walking up to her. ‘’How are you doing Lauren?’’ he asks with a smile, shaking her hand in greeting.

Lauren just looks at him. The bags under her eyes, her tired body language and dull eyes speaking for itself. ‘’Never mind.’’ Mallard says quickly. ‘’Look, before you go in, there is something I need you to prepare yourself for.’’ He says, looking at Lauren intently. She just raises her eyebrows at him in question.

‘’Camila is, uh… different.’’ He starts. Lauren’s eyes widen a little in slight panic, hoping that she’s okay. ‘’She’s doing alright, but she injured her hand three days ago, and hasn’t said a word since. She’s been completely unaware of everything around her and just lives in her own head.’’ He continues.

Lauren gulps and nods carefully. ‘’I don’t know how she’s going to react to seeing you, because I don’t think she knows that she’s now allowed to have visitors. So don’t be scared or upset if she doesn’t react the way you wish her to, but give her some time. Okay?’’ he finishes.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now