Worse News - Chap. 37 -- Last Chapter!

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Chapter 37


‘’Dinah, I’m going crazy. What do I wear?’’ Normani sighs in desperation as she lets herself fall down on Lauren and Camila’s bed in their cabin. ‘’Hate to say it DJ, but I’m kind of stressing too.’’ Lauren agrees with her friend and sits down on her bed too.

‘’Jeez, would you both just chill out. Did you really think that Tyler and Camila would ask you to marry them, in The Maldives, on a fucking beach, if they didn’t think about your dresses?’’ She says with an annoyed face, causing both girls to look up at her.

‘’What do you mean they thought about our dresses?’’ Normani asks, pushing herself up to lean on her elbows to look at Dinah curiously. Dinah smiles when she sees the confused gazes of her friends and shakes her head.

‘’Alright, first off, you better tell Camila to toughen up a bit, cause she was literally so uncertain and scared you wouldn’t like the dress and blah blah blah, but I finally got her to just buy the damn thing.’’ Dinah directs at Lauren jokingly, and walks over to the huge bag she has with her.

Lauren smiles at the thought of Camila being insecure. She knows her wife is one of the toughest people, but when it comes to Lauren, she turns into the biggest softie. And Lauren loves it. She watches Dinah pull out a bag and waits for her to zip it open so she can see the dress Camila has picked out for her.

Normani has joined Lauren by sitting next to her, and a huge smile makes its way on both of their faces when they see the dress. It’s not a typical bride’s dress, but it’s beautiful all the better. Lauren’s eyes begin to water immediately as she stands up to walk over to her friend.

‘’Wow..’’ she breathes out, looking at the low cut dress, exposing her chest quite a lot, but not too much so it stays classy. She lets her fingers run over the diamonds that keep the dress together under her chest and breathes out slowly.

‘’Damn Lo, it’s beautiful..’’ Mani breathes out behind her and Dinah nods in agreement. ‘’Yeah..’’ Lauren mutters, keeping her eyes firmly on her dress. (See Lauren's dress here: http://mic.imgdreaming.com/images/l/201211/sexy-charming-halter-v-neck-low-cut-empire-sleeveless-white-elastic-satin-pleated-beading-floor-column-beach-wedding-dresses-bwd101301613542622580.jpg)

‘’Mani, this is yours. And it took me longer to convince Tyler than to convince Camila that these dresses were perfect, so you tell your man to toughen up a bit too.’’ Dinah says with a wink, handing Lauren her dress and reaching for her bag to get Normani’s dress out too.

‘’Holy shit…’’ Normani mutters as she takes a step back to look at her dress. ‘’Wow, that’s gorgeous..’’ Lauren mutters next to her, watching her dress in admiration. ‘’They really know what they’re doing huh?’’ Normani says with a grin as she reaches out to take her dress from Dinah to look at it closely. (See Normani's dress here: http://www.weddingdeas.com/beach-destination-wedding-dress-2014.html)

‘’Yes, I can say that they definitely thought this through. Till the point where it actually drove me crazy.’’ Dinah says with a content smile as she sits back down in the love seat.

‘’My god I love her.’’ Lauren mutters to herself as she stands in front of the mirror, holding her dress out in front of her. ‘’Yeah, like that wasn’t obvious.’’ Dinah teases, sticking out her tongue when Lauren playfully glares at her.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now