Worse News - Chap. 30

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Chapter 30


‘’My dad?’’ Lauren asks in confusion, looking down into Camila’s loving eyes. But then Camila looks away and Lauren frowns. ‘’What did he do?’’ she asks, making Camila look up at her once more, before standing up with Lauren still in her arms.

Lauren tightens her grip on her wife’s neck and waist as Camila makes her way to the couch in the living room. She pecks Lauren’s lips once more before she puts her down on the couch and sits down next to her.

Camila sits close to her, but their bodies are not touching. She needs to be able to focus on telling the story right, and she can’t do that properly if Lauren is touching her. Lauren searches her eyes carefully, but only seeing the distress in those brown pools.

‘’Babe, before I tell you everything, you have to understand that I made my choices for a reason. Please let me explain those, alright?’’ Camila asks carefully, hoping that Lauren wouldn’t get upset or angry with her, but let her tell her why she made certain decisions.

Lauren gulps and nods, her mind still spinning with too many questions. Camila takes a deep breath, and Lauren can’t stand not having any physical contact between them. Now that she’s back, now that she can finally touch her again, she doesn’t want to miss a chance to do so.

So she reaches out to take Camila’s right hand in her left one. Camila’s hand stiffens for a moment, but soon relaxes under her touch when Lauren starts to stroke the back of her hand with her free one.

‘’Your father demanded another investigation. He had claimed that there must have been made some mistakes, and he didn’t trust Keaton either.’’ Camila starts from the beginning, and Lauren looks at her intently, listening carefully to every word she says.

‘’He went to Mallard and told him about his doubts and suspicions, and Mallard believed him. He didn’t want anything other than help Mike get a new investigation. Together, they looked at the previous reports and conclusions about.. their deaths, and thought that it was almost impossible for me to have beat them to death.’’ Camila continues.

Lauren nods at her, showing her that she’s listening. ‘’So Mike asked for another investigation, using his well-known name and career in his advantage. Because of his work for the government in several cases, the investigation was given permission. Mostly, because Mike had said that if he were wrong, he would pay for my new death injection himself.’’ She says, making Lauren’s eyes go wide.

‘’He did that?’’ she asks carefully, and Camila nods. ‘’I didn’t know about this, cause they never told me. If I knew, I would never have let him put his career on the line. I mean.. What if he was wrong? He’d have to pay for his daughter-in law’s death. His career would be damaged, and it would my fault.’’ She says, looking away from Lauren’s eyes for a moment, guilt rising within her.

Lauren looks at her and reaches out to Camila’s chin carefully to make her look back at her. ‘’My father would never do something if he wasn’t completely sure about it. He made his choice Camz, that could never be your fault.’’ She says softly, making Camila search her eyes. She thought she’d find the excuse in Lauren’s eyes, thinking that she would only say this to make her feel better. But instead, all she sees is honesty, making Camila believe every word she just said instantly.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now