Worse News - Chap. 14

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Chapter 14


‘’You’ll be okay Mila, you can do this.’’ Camila sighs and nods. ‘’Thanks Mike. It really means a lot that you guys are all here.’’ She says, looking around at her group of friends and family, her fiancé standing next to her. She knows Lauren’s family isn’t her family, but it does feel like that, especially when they’re all here to support her.

All her friends have come with them back to Miami, because the murders happened in the state of Florida, so the trial will be there. Camila and Lauren went back to Camila’s old house, Dinah to her parents’ house, and Normani and Tyler sleep at Normani’s parents’ house. Camila can’t help but feel her heart flutter at the support her friends are giving her.

Camila receives some sad nods and looks down again. She feels a warm hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. She smiles and looks up at her best friend. He’s dressed nice, all classy in his suit and tie. ‘’You alright?’’ he asks. She takes a deep breath and nods.

‘’Yeah, I’m okay. Today is not even the worst day after all.’’ She answers. Tyler smiles sadly. ‘’Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important.’’ He answers. Camila nods. ‘’No, I know that. It’s just.. I’ll only have to listen for a while. Then maybe answer some questions and the rest will probably be tomorrow. Then it’s up to you.’’ Camila says with a small smile.

Tyler nods. ‘’Yeah, and I’ll do everything I can, I promise.’’ He answers. Camila smiles and looks down. ‘’No Ty. I just want you to tell the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t go out of your way by saying things that are not true or exaggerating. That’s not how I want this case to end. It has to be fair.’’ She says, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Tyler smiles. ‘’Okay.’’ He answers simply, but Camila knows he’ll stick to his words. Mike watches her and listens to her talk with her best friend. He knows this case will be a hard one, especially to win it. Even Mike isn’t sure if there’s any way to get Camila out of this with as less punishment as possible, so he’s nervous to see what Lasser will come up with.

‘’Today is just the opening statements right?’’ Taylor asks Camila. She nods. ‘’Yeah, Lasser will be the one to do all the talking.’’ She answers with a pointed look at Lauren that says ’I’m not sure if little Lasser is ready for this.’ ‘’Do you know what he’s going to say?’’ Taylor asks as Lauren leans her head against Camila’s shoulder. Camila shakes her head. ‘’No. And I don’t really want to know. I mean, I don’t care what he says, or what Keaton says for that matter. I know the truth, and that’s what I am going to tell. What Lasser says doesn’t matter.’’ She answers, making Mike nod at her in understanding and look at Lasser who is sitting standing by the little desk behind Camila to sort out his papers.

Mike gives his wife and daughter a look to make them take their seats, cause he knows the trial is about to start now. Clara and Taylor hug Camila one more time before sitting down in the seats a few rows behind Camila. Mike grabs her shoulder and squeezes it firmly while nodding. Camila nods back, knowing that this is Mike showing his support to her and wishing her the best of luck.

Dinah and Normani are next, hugging Camila tightly. Dinah tries to keep her cool, not showing Camila how nervous she is, but unaware of the fact that everybody else can see right through her. Normani does show her nerves, and is rubbing her now very big belly to try and distract herself. This will be the first time both Dinah and Normani will hear the complete story. With every horrifying detail. Tyler kisses Camila’s cheek one more time before walking after his girlfriend and Dinah to sit down.

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