Worse News - Chap. 26

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Chapter 26


‘’Morning.’’ Tyler says as he walks into Lauren’s bedroom the next day. Lauren looks at him for a moment, before focusing back on her tying her shoe laces. The room is dark, the curtains still closed, like they have been for the last four days.

Lauren still hasn’t said a word, but Tyler won’t give up. And neither will everybody else. They’re all here for her, and for each other. They all lost Camila, so they’re all facing the same pain and loss. Though it has to be the worst for Tyler and Lauren.

Tyler had promised Camila to take Lauren outside. To make her enjoy life. So that is what he will do. He decided with Mike that he would stop by every morning to take Lauren on a walk. Yesterday had been the first day. And it had been horrible.

Lauren would not get out of bed. At all. Mike tried to pull her out, but Lauren just started kicking and screaming, as if she were a little child. She just refused to move. When Dinah came by that evening, she talked to Lauren. Asked her to please go with him on a walk, to get some fresh air. But Lauren refused again. So Dinah had to pull everything out and involve Camila in it.

She reminded Lauren of what she promised Camila. Told her that Camila would never want her to stay in bed for the rest of her life, not eating much and not talking. After about an hour long conversation, mostly Dinah talking though because Lauren still didn’t say a word, she got her out of bed. They called Tyler immediately, who raced over to Mike and Clara’s house to go on a walk with Lauren.

It had been a short walk. Max 15 minutes, but it was enough for Tyler for that day. Lauren was out of the house, giving her family the chance to open her window for some fresh air in her bedroom, change the sheets to try and wash all the tears out of them, and just cleaning her room a little bit.

Lauren hadn’t said a word during that walk, keeping her head down, while silent tears kept streaming down her face. She couldn’t shake the guilty feeling she had while breathing in the fresh air. The guilty feeling, because Camila wasn’t able to do that anymore. She couldn’t breathe in fresh air anymore, she couldn’t enjoy the blue sky, or the soft spring breeze. And it made Lauren feel horrible, that she was the one that was able to do it, despite everything Camila had done for her.

It killed her to know that Camila died because she saved Lauren. ‘’It should have been me.’’  Is the thought that won’t stop hunting Lauren’s mind. It’s the one thing she constantly tells herself whenever she has a memory of her wife. Which basically happens every second. She can’t even see a tree or a bird and not think of a time where she saw one with Camila.

Tyler had tried to keep a conversation going. Or at least keep talking. But eventually, he knew it wouldn’t work. Lauren wasn’t actually there with him. She was in her own world of memories, and wasn’t listening to anything he was saying. And he knew it wouldn’t be good to force her, so eventually, he just kept quiet.

‘’You ready?’’ Tyler asks, sitting down next to Lauren on her bed, while she finishes tying her shoes. She looks up at him and nods. Tyler smiles a short smile at her and stands up to walk to the door, Lauren following willingly behind him.

Lauren’s nod was the first form of contact he had with her. She hadn’t even acknowledged him before, so he was happy with a nod. Maybe it was a start of Lauren coming back. Though she would never be her old self anymore. But then again, who would be after they lose somebody they love?

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now