Worse News - Chap. 13

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Chapter 13


‘’Are you sure babe?’’ Camila asks. Lauren smiles at her and nods before taking the pen and signing the papers. ‘’Yeah, I’ll do anything to help you.’’ She answers after sitting back on the couch. Camila smiles gratefully at her.

‘’Alright Lauren, thank you. I’m sure this will help.’’ Lasser says, shoving the papers in his bag. Lauren shrugs as she entwines her fingers with Camila’s. ‘’I’m not sure about that. I was really drunk that night and still can’t remember most of what happened. I’m not sure if I’d be of any use at all.’’ She answers.

‘’Well, you do remember waking up in that room and Mark trying to rape you right?’’ he answers bluntly. Camila’s eyes shoot up at his as Lauren flinches beside her. ‘’Jeez Lasser, a bit more subtle next time?’’ she hisses at her lawyer, wrapping her arm around Lauren.

He looks confused for a moment before his lips form an ‘o’ and he looks down. ‘’Sorry.’’ He mutters. Camila sighs. She can’t believe this newbie is her lawyer. The man that is supposed to try and get Camila as less punishment as possible.

Lauren sighs as she sends a reassuring smile to Camila’s eyes. Camila just looks at her, trying to find any sign that she isn’t okay, but doesn’t find anything. She smiles back before turning back to Lasser.

‘’So, we’re done here?’’ she asks. The small man looks up at her. ‘’Uhm, no actually we’re not.’’ He answers, making Camila groan in annoyance. ‘’Babe come on, he’s trying to help you.’’ Lauren whispers, making Camila sigh and nod.

‘’What else do you need?’’ she asks, unable to hide the frustration in her voice. ‘’I need that Tyler guy to come up as a witness too. With both him and Lauren as witnesses, we could have a chance.’’ He says. ‘’So, visit him and make him sign it. I’m sure he’ll do it.’’ Camila says dryly, hoping that Lasser would finally just move his ass out of her house after three hours.

‘’I don’t know where he lives.’’ Lasser answers. Camila rolls her eyes. ‘’Three blocks away from here and he works down the street in the bar. Now do I have to come with you and hold your hand, or do you think you can manage to go and ask him on your own?’’ Camila says mockingly, making Lauren try to hide her laugh and slapping Camila’s thigh.

Lasser’s head turns red and he clears his throat. ‘’I’m sorry Camila, I don’t think that was necessary.’’ He answers, making Camila raise her eyebrow at him. ‘’You know what Lasser, I know you’re trying to help me out here, but if you can’t even go to my best friend’s house to ask him to step up as my witness on your own, how are you going to try and save my ass up in court?’’ she asks seriously, making him look down.

‘’I know you’re the new guy, that’s clear. I know it must be hard because this is a pretty big case already with it being on the news and stuff. But you have to grow some balls here buddy, cause I can’t do it on my own out there.’’ She tries to say as normal as possible, trying to not actually hurt his feelings.

Lasser looks up at her and surprisingly nods. ‘’You’re right. Is Tyler working right now, or is he home?’’ he asks, standing up from his chair and grabbing his coat and bag. ‘’He’s working I guess, so just go to the left when you exit the building and walk down the street. You can’t miss it, the bar is pretty obvious.’’ She explains the route to him.

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