Worse News - Chap. 29

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Chapter 29

‘’Hey baby..’’ Camila breathes out and takes a small step forward, but Lauren doesn’t move. She’s frozen, not believing what’s happening.


‘’You.. you’re dead.’’ She mutters, her chest heaving heavily and her face showing nothing but shock and confusion. Her legs are trembling and her head starts to spin quickly as her heart is bruising her ribs because of the furious pace. She shakes her head, trying to force her mind to stop making things up.


‘’No, I’m not. I’m here Lauren.’’


Camila sighs as she looks down. It was definitely not the welcome home she hoped for, but it was better than a rejection. She smiles as she runs her hand through her hair softly. Camila can feel her eyes taking in every inch of her sleeping wife.

She lets her head fall back and rest against the headboard of their bed. She closes her eyes for a moment, realizing once again how blessed she is right now. She looks back down at Lauren, who is lying with her head in Camila’s lap. She looks tired. Exhausted. As Camila looks further down she can see the small graze on her left wrist.

‘’C-Camz?’’ Lauren breathes out as she takes a step back into their apartment. Camila just nods but stands still to give her time to understand what’s happening right now. ‘’Yes Laur, it’s me.’’ She answers softly, her body tingling from excitement to finally see her again.


Lauren shakes her head in complete confusion. Her mind is playing tricks on her again. Very evil ones. This isn’t real. Camila can’t be here, she died more than three months ago. But her eyes never leave the face that looks so real.


The burn marks on the right side of her face… her dark brown eyes filled with love and a hint of fear… Lauren’s head doesn’t stop spinning. She reaches out to a piece of furniture to help her to stay on her feet. Camila steps forward as she sees all the color draining from Lauren’s face.


‘’Lauren?’’ Camila asks carefully, but jumps forward when she sees Lauren’s eyes roll to the back of her head, her knees giving in. She hears the sound of Lauren’s hand missing the dresser, and graze the piece of wood with her wrist.


Camila was quick enough to catch her and make sure her head didn’t hit the ground. But the rest of her body did, and Lauren didn’t look like she noticed. Camila sits down next to her, gently holding the back of Lauren’s head in one hand while the other one strokes her cheek tenderly.


‘’Laur?’’ she whispers, but Lauren is passed out. Camila gulps, she hates to see Lauren like this, oblivious to the world, vulnerable. So she wraps her arm around her shoulders and the other one under her legs to pick her up.


Camila frowns. Lauren feels a lot lighter than she can remember. And Camila definitely didn’t get stronger. She looks down at her closed eyes and leans in to press a longing kiss against her forehead. Oh how she missed to be able to touch her.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now