Worse News - Chap. 33

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Chapter 33


‘’Really?’’ Camila asks with a smile. ‘’I swear to god!’’ Tyler says to her with a serious face, before falling in a fit of laughter.

‘’She really got mad at that? Damn, she should be happy you got her to stop crying again!’’ Camila says after they both calmed down again. Tyler nods in agreement, thinking about how Normani had been cursing at him that Blaze only calmed down when her daddy was around.

Camila smiles at the little girl sitting on the head of the table. Camila is trying to feed her tiny bits of baby food, and it looks like little Blaze likes it. Tyler looks at his best friend and he can genuinely see how happy she is.

‘’How are you Mila?’’ he asks after a few moments of silence while Camila was feeding Blaze. Camila looks up at him after quickly taking a bite out of her own lunch and nods. ‘’Good. I’m very good.’’ She says with a smile, making Tyler smile back at her.

‘’What about you and Lauren though? Are things the same again as before everything happened, or is it somehow different?’’ he questions, wondering how the couple are experiencing each other’s company again.

Camila nods as she swallows and wipes away some spit out baby food from Blaze’s lips. ‘’Things are definitely different.’’ She starts as Tyler sits up a bit more. ‘’I mean, we’re different people now, so things change. I almost died and she thought I died. That changes you man.’’ She says, making Tyler nod in agreement.

‘’She’s become a lot more independent.’’ Camila says seriously, as Tyler raises his eyebrows in question. ‘’Really?’’ he asks, making Camila nod. ‘’Yeah definitely. I mean, she’s had to do everything on her own for more than three months. And now that I’m back, she doesn’t stop doing certain things. I mean, she takes more charge now, she doesn’t wait and see and I’m proud of her for that.’’ She says.

‘’That’s great. But what about you two as a couple?’’ he asks while Camila takes another bite and feeds Blaze again.

‘’We’re doing good. I mean, she’s more independent, and I’m more relaxed now. Because, I know the threats that I was afraid of are all gone, so there’s nothing to worry about anymore. So I can.. let her go a bit easier. Like, I used to want to be there with her all the time in case something would happen. Now I go with her purely because I want to be with her. It’s changed, but all for the better.’’ She says with a smile, making her best friend smile back at her.

‘’That’s great!’’ he says as Camila grins. ‘’Yeah, I mean, it’s just perfect. We’re both just happy to be near each other again.’’ She says as Tyler squints his eyes at her. ‘’Are you guys in that stage where you just can’t keep your hands off of each other?’’ he asks suspiciously.

Camila just laughs at him as Tyler shakes his head. He knows those days like nobody else. ‘’Hey, be happy I got myself dragged out here to have lunch with you. I could have been at home with Lauren..’’ she trails off, wiggling her eyebrows.

Tyler closes his eyes and groans. ‘’Jesus you guys are horrible.’’ He says with a playfully disgusted face. Camila waves her hand dismissively and rolls her eyes. ‘’Hey, you don’t get to talk here buddy, cause don’t you dare forget that this little beauty here was made in my bed.’’ She says while pointing over at Blaze with a pointed look aimed at her best friend.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now