Worse News - Chap. 32

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Chapter 32


‘’Shit.’’ Lauren mutters as she rushes towards Tyler to pick up the shattered glass and protect other glasses from his shaking hands. ‘’M-Mila?’’ Tyler asks softly, looking at his best friend’s face that looks more alive than he thought was possible.

Camila smiles and nods and takes the few steps towards the bar. Tyler opens and shuts his mouth a few times, slightly shaking his head to search for the right words to say. ‘’Y-you can’t be here.. It’s not possible.’’ He mutters, but Camila is close enough by now to hear what he’s saying.

‘’It is. Mallard, Mike and Lasser got me out. I’m here man, I’m alive.’’ She says with a smile. Tyler gulps heavily and blinks rapidly to try and get is mind to work again. ‘’They got you.. You’re alive.’’ He mutters, bringing his right hand up to his left arm to pinch it harshly. His face shows a bit of pain, and there’s a red mark on his arm when he stops.

‘’You’re not dreaming.’’ Camila states, watching carefully as realization hits her best friend slowly, and his eyes grow wider. ‘’Mila.’’ Tyler says, a smile slowly forming on his lips. Camila grins back at him and just nods, holding her arms open to wait for his hug.

Tyler shakes his head while a wide grin makes its way on his face and he steps around the bar quickly, running up to his best friend to wrap her up in his arms tightly. ‘’Oh my god, you’re really here.’’ Tyler mutters in Camila’s ear as the girl holds onto his neck tightly while his arms squeeze her close to him around her back.

‘’I missed you so much Ty.’’ Camila says, feeling a tear escaping her eyes. ‘’Jesus Mila..’’ Tyler says into her shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut as he holds on tightly. She smiles as she feels Tyler letting out a long, deep breath.

After a few more moments, Tyler pulls away from their hug and looks at her. He reaches out to her cheek under her hood and caresses it softly. ‘’You sure I’m not dreaming?’’ he asks softly, making Camila laugh. ‘’I’m sure.’’ She says with a chuckle, before Tyler dives in for another hug.

Lauren smiles with tears in her eyes as she looks at the two best friends. She can totally understand how happy Camila must be to finally see him again. And she knows how it must feel for Tyler to realize she’s not dead, but still with them after all.

She watches the two of them hug the life out of each other for a few minutes longer, until she feels a hand on her shoulder. ‘’Lauren.. Is that..?’’ She hears and turns around to see Jay’s baffled expression. ‘’Camila.’’ She answers with a smile.

‘’But you said she was dead.’’ He says, keeping his eyes firmly on a now crying Tyler and Camila. Lauren nods and moves to stand next to him to wrap her arm around his waist. ‘’I thought she was. But the investigation was re-opened, and they managed to get her free.’’ She says, giving a short explanation of why she was alive.

Jay nods and rubs Lauren’s back before walking over to the two best friends, who have finally let go of one another. ‘’Camila.’’ He says, successfully gaining her attention. ‘’Jay!’’ She says with a smile before letting herself being pulled into another tight hug, but this time by her former boss.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now