Worse News - Chap. 2

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Chapter 2


‘’Hey, you!’’ he slurs out. Camila looks up from behind the bar and raises her eyebrow. ‘’Give me anothherrr whisssky plsee’’ he mutters at her, letting his head fall down on the bar. Camila smiles. ‘’Alright Kev, I think it’s time for you to go home now huh?’’ she asks, walking around the bar and standing next to the costumer. ‘’R you coming with mee?’’ he asks, smiling up at her.

Camila laughs. ‘’Not in your dreams dude.’’ She answers. ‘’Come on, I’ll get you a cab.’’ She wraps her arm around his middle, pulling him up. ‘’Geez Kev, a little help here?’’ she asks, trying to lift the man up who refuses to stand on his own feet.

‘’Can’t.’’ is all Kevin can say. Camila shakes her head and huffs. Then she grabs him a little tighter and starts pulling him out of the bar. ‘’Kev, my week has just started and you’re already doing this to me. Couldn’t you wait until Friday or something?’’ she says slightly annoyed.

Kevin just smiles at her, his eyes red and glazed from the alcohol. With one hand, Camila waves for a taxi, while the other one is holding her regular costumer up on his feet. When the yellow car finally pulls up in front of her, she opens the door and pushes Kevin in carefully. She mutters the address to the driver and grabs some money from Kevin’s wallet to pay for his drinks and his cab ride.

She closes the door and watches the cab drive away. She chuckles and shakes her head. Turning around she thinks about how a man could be so desperate to be this drunk on Monday afternoon. While she opens the door, she feels her phone buzzing in her pocket. She pulls it out and sees Tyler’s name flicker across her screen.

‘’Ty, I’m working.’’ She says, answering the phone. ‘’Uh.. yeah… I know, uhm, sorry!’’ he mutters. Camila frowns. ‘’Give me five minutes, I’ll call you back.’’ She says, walking back into the bar. ‘’Uh, yeah alright.’’ Tyler answers unsurely before Camila ends the call.

Jay looks up at her with questioning eyes. ‘’Everything alright Mila?’’ he asks. Camila looks up at him. ‘’I don’t know, my friend just called, sounding weird. Can I take 5 to call him back?’’ She asks her boss. Jay nods. ‘’Yeah sure, there’s not that much people here anyway.’’ He answers. ‘’Thanks man.’’ Camila says, walking to the back of the bar and going through a door that leads to the stockroom.

She clicks on Tyler’s name on her phone screen and calls him back. ‘’Hey, sorry for calling you at work.’’ Tyler answers. ‘’That’s okay. Everything alright?’’ she asks. Tyler is silent for a moment. ‘’Uh yeah, everything is good.’’ He says distractedly. Camila raises her eyebrows. ‘’Then why did you call?’’ she asks, knowing something was going on. Tyler is never this short or awkward on the phone with her.

‘’Uhm… I uh..’’ Tyler starts. ‘’Damnit Ty, just spit it out I’m working!’’ Camila hisses, getting slightly annoyed with her best friend. ‘’Normani is pregnant.’’

Camila is silent. Her eyes slowly go wide, her mouth opening. ‘’What?’’ she asks softly. ‘’She’s pregnant.’’ Tyler says again. Camila can hear that he is just as surprised as Camila by the sound of his voice. ‘’Oh my god.’’ Camila breathes out as she sits down on a box.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now