Worse News - Chap. 27

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Chapter 27


Camila looks up when the big, massive door opens slowly. As she sees Mallard walk into her isolated cell, she sits up on her bed.

‘’Hey.’’ Mallard greets her. Camila nods back in greeting, but doesn’t say anything. She just raises her eyebrows in question, wondering why Mallard was coming to visit her.

‘’I just got off the phone with Mike.’’ Mallard says as he takes a seat next to Camila on her bed. ‘’What did he say?’’ Camila asks back, keeping her eyes focused on the detective next to her. ‘’He said that the jury would make a decision today.’’ Mallard answers, making Camila’s eyes go wide in confusion.

‘’Wait, today?’’ She asks carefully, scared that her mind is playing tricks on her after two months of being in this isolated cell. But to her relieve, Mallard nods.

‘’I spoke to Keaton yesterday again. Showed him the pictures that should prove your innocence.’’ Mallard starts after giving Camila a few moments to let the information sink in. ‘’You did?’’ Camila asks, still trying to understand that she’d find out what’s going to happen this afternoon.

Mallard nods. ‘’Mike’s theory is pretty strong. I’ll have the results of it in less than an hour. So I came here, because I want to look at the conclusions of the investigation with you. You deserve to know what’s going on as soon as we have information, so it felt bad to see the results myself first, without letting you know immediately.’’ He says, making Camila smile at him in appreciation.

‘’Thanks.’’ She simply says. But Mallard knows how thankful she is. In the last two months, his bond with Camila grew even more. It’s a weird connection when you think about it. A cop and a murderer becoming friends. Mallard smiles at the thought. Those things are only supposed to happen in movies and stories. Yet here he is, sitting with Camila, waiting for her destiny together.

They sit together in silence for a while, before Camila speaks up again. ‘’I know you did a lot for me the past couple of months, and I just want to tell you that I’m really thankful. For everything that you did for me.’’ She says, making Mallard look at her and give her a gentle smile.

‘’I… I’d like to ask you though.. Can you do one last thing for me?’’ she asks carefully. Mallard turns to her and nods without hesitation. He’d do everything he could for her. Especially if it turns out that this is the last time he can help her.


‘’Alright, how’s that baby?’’ Tyler coos as he holds his daughter in the warm water of the bathtub. ‘’That’s nice huh?’’ he mutters cutely, pouring some water over Blaze’s tiny tummy. Her hands are reaching out to him, while she makes some cute noises.

‘’You like that right?’’ Tyler smiles down at her, while Normani watches them from the side with a big smile on her face. She loves how Tyler acts around their daughter. He turns around completely. Normally, he’s always being the tough guy who knows how to handle his business. But as soon as Blaze is around, her turns into a huge softie who’s not sure of anything he does with her.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now