Worse News - Chap. 36

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Chapter 36


‘’So what am I supposed to wear for tonight?’’ Lauren asks her wife, looking at her smiling eyes. Camila shrugs and turns to lie on her side to face Lauren properly.

‘’Whatever you feel comfortable in.’’ she answers, pushing a stray of dark hair behind Lauren’s ear. Lauren nods and bites her lip in excitement. ‘’Alright, but.. a dress or something casual?’’ she asks, making the smile on Camila’s lips widen.

‘’That’s a tough one.’’ She answers, letting her thumb caress the side of her wife’s cheek and jaw. ‘’We’re having dinner on an island, so something casual would be easier with all the sand and stuff. But the occasion is pretty special, so a nice dress wouldn’t be bad. A nice dress could never be bad.’’ She says with a smile and Lauren smiles back at her.

‘’How special is the occasion?’’ she asks softly, trying to get some information about the surprise out of Camila. But she just smiles back at her lovingly. ‘’It’s so special, that I can’t say anything about it.’’ She whispers, leaning up to kiss her cheek and nuzzle her nose into Lauren’s hair.

She groans. ‘’Aww, almost had you!’’ she says playfully, and Camila just laughs at her and kisses her temple. ‘’No you didn’t babe.’’ She whispers in her ear, before standing up from their bed and walking over to their small closet.

Lauren laughs as she looks up at the roof of the cabin, knowing that Camila won’t ever say anything to her if she really doesn’t want to. Like her death for example. She frowns and quickly shakes her head. She can’t think like that, that was a very different situation.

She sighs as she turns her head to the side, watching Camila pull off her top to change into a shirt. ‘’Oh my god, Camz!’’ she says loudly, sitting up immediately as she looks at her wife with wide eyes. ‘’What?’’ Camila asks in an alarmed voice, turning around to look at her.

‘’Your back..’’ Lauren says, her hand covering her mouth. ‘’What about it?’’ Camila asks with a confused frown. She turns around to the mirror and looks over her shoulder to be able to see her back. She starts laughing loudly and looks back at Lauren’s still wide eyes.

‘’Why are you laughing? I hurt you!’’ Lauren says loudly, looking at all the dark red nail marks around Camila’s back. ‘’I never noticed I was scratching your back till the point where it almost started bleeding. I’m so sorry Camz.’’ Lauren apologizes, guilt clear in her eyes.

Camila still smiles at her and turns to walk back to their bed again and sits down next to her. ‘’You didn’t hurt me.’’ She says clearly, yet sweetly while grabbing Lauren’s hands in her own and caressing them with her thumbs.

‘’Clearly I did. Look at those marks Camz.’’ Lauren says as she looks down at their hands, regret dripping from her voice. Camila can’t drop her smile, adoring how scared Lauren is that she actually hurt her, while she really didn’t even notice the marks on her back before she pointed it out.

‘’Babe, look at me.’’ Camila says softly, successfully getting Lauren to raise her eyes up to hers. ‘’You did not hurt me. I never even noticed it. To me, every single line on my back is prove of the amazing night we had together. Trust me, you did not hurt me.’’ She says with a smile, and Lauren can see the truth in her eyes. She can’t help but smile back as she feels her worries start to fade by the way her wife is looking at her.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now