Worse News - Chap. 34

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Chapter 34


Camila sighs contently as she feels the sun rays warm her body. She looks over the ocean from one of the beds that’s been placed on the beach. She smiles as she sees the beautiful view of just the ocean and the cabins on the platform.

There’s not much to see, yet she can’t stop looking. Their surroundings are so quiet and peaceful. It’s a lot different from a jail cell. But then again, everything would be better than a jail cell. She chuckles to herself and closes her eyes as she thinks about how incredibly lucky she’s been.

It doesn’t happen a lot, it’s actually pretty special, but she has avoided the death sentence. Two times actually. The first one she survived, and the second one didn’t seem necessary according to the jury after all.

Camila opens her eyes when the soft matrass dips in next to her.

‘’Hey, good morning.’’ Lauren says, leaning in to give her wife a kiss in greeting. ‘’Hey, did I wake you up?’’ Camila asks in return, not wanting to have interrupted her loved one’s peaceful slumber.

‘’No. The fact that you were gone woke me up.’’ the green-eyed beauty answers in return. ‘’It was cold in bed.’’ She adds with a smile. Camila chuckles.

‘’Cold? Babe it’s hot outside, how could you be cold?’’ she asks with a smile, turning on her side to face her properly. Lauren shrugs with a small smirk and grabs Camila’s hand to play with her fingers. ‘’It’s a bit colder when you wake up naked.’’ She says, making the smirk on Camila’s face grow.

‘’Hmm, true.’’ She whispers back, wiggling her eyebrows playfully, which makes Lauren laugh.

She reaches out to tuck a strand of dark hair behind Lauren’s ear and moves closer to press her body against her wife’s. ‘’But it does look good when I wake up.’’ she whispers in her ear and Lauren blushes. ‘’I mean, waking up to my naked wife, remembering last night, that’s just perfect.’’ She adds and kisses Lauren’s earlobe softly.

Shivers are running down the green-eyed girl’s body at the contact between them, and she smiles. ‘’Which is exactly why you shouldn’t get out of bed if I’m still sleeping.’’ Lauren says back, teasingly scolding Camila.

But Camila just smiles. ‘’I didn’t want to wake you, you looked very cute.’’ She answers, making sure that another blush spreads around her loved one’s cheeks. Oh how Camila loves that she’s still has that effect on her. She loves seeing Lauren turn red, grow silent or feel her tremble slightly in her arms when shivers are running down her body.

‘’Why did you decide to get dressed anyway?’’ Camila asks, leaning back to look at Lauren’s now partly covered body. She’s actually just wearing her black bikini with top over it. Camila is dressed in just some sport shorts and top. She looks up at her eyes again and can’t stop herself from leaning in and pecking Lauren’s lips.

‘’Because I can’t walk down the beach naked. Not anymore.’’ She answers, and Camila’s eyes look confused. ‘’There’s a new couple in one of the cabins. They arrived this morning I think, I saw some suitcases on the platform.’’ She explains, making Camila pout.

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