Worse News - Chap. 17

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Chapter 17


‘’Well you did get her good. I mean, you pulled some hair out of her head!’’ Camila says chuckling. Lauren laughs too. ‘’Well she just shouldn’t have touched you.’’ She responds, cuddling closer to Camila on the couch while her girlfriend tightens her grip on her.

‘’You’re mine.’’ She adds softly. Camila nods and kisses Lauren’s temple. ‘’All yours baby. And there is nothing Maria could have done to change that.’’ She answers with a smile, thinking back to the small fight between Maria and Lauren in Jay’s bar. Camila still can’t believe how Maria could be all over her, knowing that she was engaged with Lauren. Don’t people respect relationships anymore?

‘’Hmm, I know.’’ Lauren mutters in Camila’s neck. They’re just lying on the couch together, thinking back to all the memories they’ve made together. Dinah, Normani and Tyler and Lauren’s family just left to go home. They all wanted to eat dinner together, spend some time with Camila before the verdict tomorrow. Though they wanted to stay all night, they all understood that Camila and Lauren would need some alone time. They respected that, so Tyler was the one to get everyone up and leave.

Camila sighs, running her hand through Lauren’s hair in silence. She’s staring at some pictures on the wall. She never wanted to hang up photos before Lauren, because those would only remind her of everything she lost. But now, seeing the smiling faces of her friends, she loves pictures. Their apartment in New York is now full of them. Because of Lauren’s love for pictures, Camila has started to learn to love them too.

When she looks at them now, they don’t remind her of everything she lost anymore. Instead, they remind her of all the fun times she had with her loved ones. They are full of good memories, and Camila couldn’t be more grateful for them.

‘’How do you feel?’’ Lauren asks carefully after a while, pulling Camila out of her thoughts. ‘’Hmm?’’ Camila hums in question. ‘’How do you feel about tomorrow? Do you.. do you think you have a chance?’’ She clarifies, her voice soft and careful, with a hint of sadness, her fingers fumbling with the hem of her girlfriend’s shirt.

Camila takes a deep breath, never stopping her caresses on Lauren’s hipbone. ‘’I honestly don’t know.’’ She breathes out, squeezing Lauren closer to her. ‘’I think there is a chance. I think that everybody in that courtroom understands my actions, and Lasser knew how to play on the emotions of the jury.’’ She continues. Lauren nods and buries her face closer in her girlfriend’s neck.

‘’But facts are facts baby. And those people have to follow the law. So I really don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.’’ She ends, turning her head to look at Lauren and she sees a single tear make its way down her cheek.

‘’Hey..’’ she whispers softly, turning so she was facing Lauren completely, and bringing her hand up to wipe her tear away. Lauren opens her eyes again and her watery green eyes stare back at Camila. ‘’Shh baby.. Nothing is decided yet, we don’t know what’s going to happen.’’ Camila whispers, leaning forward to kiss the tear mark on Lauren’s cheek.

‘’Don’t give up on me yet.’’ Camila whispers, stroking the back of Lauren’s head. ‘’I.. I won’t. I would never give up on you Camz.’’ Lauren whispers back. Camila keeps her eyes focused on Lauren’s, reading the worry and fear in them.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now