Worse News - Chap. 6

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Chapter 6


Camila closes the car door and walks inside her old garage. Tyler is sitting on the couch, reading a book. ‘’Hey man.’’ Camila says as she plops down next to him. Tyler looks up from his book, and smiles at his best friend. ‘’Hey.’’ He answers as he closes the book and puts it away.

‘’Where’s your other half?’’ Tyler questions her as he looks out of the garage in search of Lauren. Camila chuckles. ‘’She’s out with her mom and sister today. Catching up.’’ she answers. Tyler nods. ‘’How’s Dinah?’’ she asks.

Tyler sighs. ‘’Well, she’s a bit better than yesterday. Normani took her out to get their nails done, trying to get her mind off of Siope.’’ He answers. Camila nods. ‘’It’s kind of hard to get her mind off of him, when the chance that they’ll run into each other soon is pretty big..’’

Tyler looks up at her. ‘’Yeah, well she doesn’t really have a choice, does she?’’ Camila bites her lip. ‘’Well there might be a solution to that..’’ she trails off. Tyler frowns at her and sits up a little. ‘’What are you talking about Mila? What kind of solution?’’ he asks her cautiously.

Camila laughs. ‘’Don’t worry Ty, I won’t hurt Siope!’’ Tyler sighs in relieve. ‘’Oh alright. Good. So what’s the solution?’’ he asks, leaning back in the couch. ‘’Well, I promised Lauren to not bring it up until she gets here. But it might be good for all of us. Including you, Mani and your little one.’’ She says carefully.

Tyler sits up again. ‘’What? You have a solution for that?’’ Camila nods, but doesn’t say anything else. ‘’God damn it Mila, you can’t just give me popcorn and proceed to not turn on the movie!’’ he exclaims. Camila just laughs. ‘’Just wait till Lauren gets here. We need to have a serious talk with all of you.’’ She says.

Tyler frowns a little. ‘’Yeah… uhm about that. Talking about serious talks and stuff.  I think we need to talk too.’’ Camila turns her head to the side to look at him, putting her feet on the small table in front of them. ‘’Bout what?’’ she asks calmly.

‘’About Ally.’’ Tyler states. Camila shoots up from the couch and turns to her best friend. ‘’We do not have to talk about that.’’ She says, pointing at Tyler and giving him a warning look to not bring it up again.

‘’Yes we do. And this is the exact reason why.’’ Tyler says back, gesturing at Camila’s tense posture. ‘’You’re not over it. You’ve not dealt with it, and I know that you are still blaming yourself for my situation.’’ He states calmly, patting the couch next to him for Camila to sit back down.

Camila frowns, sitting back down uncertainly. She knew she hadn’t dealt with the whole Ally thing. But she never thought about it either, at least not when she was awake. But hearing Tyler say it, just makes her mind race with flashbacks of everything that happened back then.

Tyler looks at her, but doesn’t say anything for a while, giving her a little time to think. ‘’I’m sorry.’’ She eventually says. Tyler knits his eyebrows together. ‘’Sorry for what?’’ he asks carefully. ‘’For this.’’ Camila answers, gesturing to Tyler’s legs and the crutches that are lying a few feet away from them. ‘’Why?’’ he asks, searching for Camila’s eyes, but she avoids them carefully.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now