Worse News - Chap. 7

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Chapter 7


‘’MILA!’’ Camila’s eyes fly open and she sits up straight. ‘’Yeah?’’ she asks quickly, pretending that she wasn’t sleeping in the stockroom. ‘’Are you kidding me, you can’t sleep here!’’ Jay whisper yells at her. ‘’There are costumers waiting out there, so hurry the hell up!’’

Camila groans. ‘’Jay, I’m sorry. I’ve been on three shifts a day, which means work from 8 am till 2 am for five days straight. I’m goddamn tired!’’ She says back, trying to explain her behavior. Jay nods. ‘’I know, it’s been the same for me, remember?’’ he replies, making Camila sigh and nod.

‘’Sorry Jay. I’ll try.’’ She says, getting up from the seat in the stock room. ‘’I’m glad you brought Tyler in. He’s doing a good job.’’ Jay says, making Camila turn back at him and smile. ‘’Yeah, he’s a hard worker. Especially now that he has to provide for his pregnant girlfriend.’’ She answers, smiling at the thought that Normani and Tyler had decided to keep the baby, now that they knew there would be enough people around to help them out.

Jay nodded. ‘’Wait.’’ He said, putting his hand up to Camila. ‘’Is he the friend that had sex in your bed you told me about?’’ he asks, looking at Camila questioningly. And there go the happy thoughts about the baby. She thinks.

She frowns at him, rolls her eyes and nods with a disgusted face. ‘’Yep, that’s him..’’ she answers, making Jay burst out in laughter. ‘’I gotta give him a high five for that one!’’ he says between waves of laughter, walking out the stock room to go find Tyler.

Camila chuckles and shakes her head. She doesn’t have enough energy to try and stop her boss, or to get mad at Tyler again. It’s been very busy in the bar the last couple of weeks. Which meant an awful lot of shifts for Camila, who had to show Tyler the first few days how everything worked and teaching him stuff about the bar.

Camila has had a lot of night shifts, which were normally for Kenny, but he was on vacation for a month. Plus her own shifts that she still had to work, which meant barely four hours of sleep every night for almost a week straight. But whenever she had a moment off, she would be over at Tyler, Normani and Dinah’s house, to help move stuff in, or get things in place. Lauren was with her friends a lot, to try and help Normani get everything set in their new home, because the now 6 months pregnant lady couldn’t do everything on her own anymore.

Camila sighs, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open. She walks out of the stockroom with the new bottle of whisky she was meant to get, and walks back to the bar. She looks at the time, and sees it’s almost happy hour. Which means, every shot a girl orders, is only one dollar or less.

She looks up when somebody calls her over, and starts making the drink the costumer asked for. She sees Tyler from the corner of her eyes, maneuvering around the dancing people, trying to get the drinks to the people that ordered them. She smiles as she finishes the drink and hands it over to the guy across the bar.

Tyler is doing great. He loves this job and his legs are doing really good. After a shift, he is exhausted and has to lie down for an hour or so, but during the shift, he’s on his feet all the time, and Camila hasn’t heard a single complain from her best friend ever since his first day.

‘’Mila! I need five shots of tequila and a sex on the beach cocktail on table four!’’ Tyler yells at her from the other side of the bar. ‘’Alright, coming up!’’ Camila yells back at him, grabbing the bottle of tequila and the stuff she needs for the cocktail.

‘’Oh, and they asked for you specifically!’’ He adds, making a questioning face at her and shrugging. Camila frowns and nods. She had never been asked for by a customer. ‘’Remember happy hour Mila, everybody will go crazy when that bell rings!’’ he yells at her, making Camila check the time again.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now