Worse News - Chap. 11

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Chapter 11


The door slams closed behind her, as she’s left in a barely lit room. ‘’Take a seat Ms. Cabello.’’ Detective Mallard says as he lightly pushes Camila towards the table and chair in the middle of the room.

Camila takes a deep breath and walks up to the chair and sits down. Mr. Mallard sits down in front of her. Camila scans the room quietly. There’s just one lamp hanging above the table, providing the room with enough light to be able to see. Behind detective Mallard hangs a giant mirror. Camila knows there are people standing behind it, watching her every move and listening to every word she says.

She sighs as she puts her cuffed hands on top of the table. ‘’Think you can put these off now?’’ she asks, looking the man directly in his eyes. ‘’Sure.’’ He answers, reaching into his pocket for the keys, and freeing Camila’s hands.

Camila rubs her wrists, the cuffs having irritated her skin. The man clears his throat, making her look up at him questioningly. ‘’I think it’s time for you to tell me the truth.’’ He says, leaning back into his chair a little. Camila looks back at him blankly. ‘’Maybe.’’ She answers.

The corners of detective Mallard’s lips turn upward just a little, letting Camila know he’s ready to do everything to pull the truth out of her if he has to. ‘’Camila, we have enough evidence to put up a trial against you. It could work in your own benefit if you’re just going to be honest with me here.’’ He says, tangling his fingers together on the table in front of him. Camila sighs.

She knows she’s in trouble. She knows the best thing she could do is tell the truth. And she will. She just wants to see what she can get out of it for herself before she tells the man everything. ‘’What’s in it for me if I tell you the truth now?’’ she asks, raising her eyebrows slightly.

The man smiles a short smile. ‘’What is it you’re asking me for?’’ he asks in return. Camila shrugs. ‘’What do you offer?’’ she returns the question, not wanting to be the one to budge first. The man sits forward in his chair, leaning his elbows on the table.

‘’I can do a good word for you in court. Telling the judge you cooperated.’’ He offers. Camila looks at him as she leans back in her chair, crossing her feet under the table to try and look as casual as possible. ‘’And how could your good word be of any use to me?’’ she asks, not immediately agreeing with him to see what else he will offer her for the truth.

The man shrugs. ‘’Depends on the judge. Sometimes it could mean less punishment. Sometimes it won’t.’’ he answers. Camila smiles. ‘’So that means that I would have to tell you the truth right now, but your promise of a good word might not make any difference at all.’’ She states. The man just looks at her, trying to figure out what is was that she needed for the real story.

‘’Now explain me, why would I have to take that offer. I don’t see what’s in it for me.’’ She says, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on his. The man purses his lips. ‘’You don’t.’’ he answers, making Camila nod and look past him to the mirror.

She stands up and walks up to it, stepping past detective Mallard. ‘’Who’s behind it?’’ she asks as she comes to a stop in front of the mirror, looking angrily at herself, hoping to scare whoever was behind it, watching her.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now