Worse News - Chap. 31

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Chapter 31


Camila laughs as Lauren’s stomach interrupts their steamy make-out session for the third time now. Lauren groans in response and hides her face in her wife’s neck as she starts blushing furiously. ‘’Come on babe.. Haha, I’m sorry.’’ Camila manages to bring out between fits of laughter.

‘’It just sounds so cute!’’ Camila says while another wave of laughter washes over her. Lauren pushes herself up so she’s hovering over a shirtless Camila and looks down at her. ‘’It’s not funny.’’ She says with a pout, but it only makes Camila laugh even harder.

Lauren groans and slaps her arm lightly as she moves away from Camila and sits down next to her. Camila closes her eyes tightly, desperately trying to calm herself down, which eventually works. She takes a deep breath and sits up. ‘’Let’s just get some food, you haven’t had breakfast yet.’’ She says, making Lauren look up at her with suspicious eyes, watching carefully if Camila’s going to laugh at her again.

Camila raises her right eyebrow at her, trying to suppress a small smile, but failing miserably. Lauren can’t stop a smile of her own now and stands up from the couch and shakes her head. She walks over to the other side of the living room where Camila had thrown her shirt and puts it on again.

‘’Why are you putting your shirt on?’’ Camila asks playfully while standing up from the couch too. Lauren looks up at her with a face that says ‘Are you seriously asking me this right now?’ Camila raises her eyebrow at her. ‘’I’m serious, I’m going to make you breakfast, you don’t need to put your shirt back on. You look better without it.’’ She says, wiggling her eyebrows playfully making Lauren chuckle.

‘’We can’t have breakfast here.’’ Lauren answers, while trying to straighten out her hair. ‘’Why?’’ Camila asks, as she walks up to Lauren and pulls her hands out of her hair to caress them. Lauren looks at her with a sweet smile as she feels Camila’s thumbs run over her hands. ‘’Because I haven’t had the chance to go grocery shopping yet.’’ She answers before leaning in to press a sweet kiss to Camila’s swollen lips.

‘’Ahh.’’ Camila says with a nod. ‘’Okay, then I’m taking you out.’’ She adds with a smile. Lauren shakes her head and looks down for a moment before looking back at Camila’s now confused eyes. ‘’We can’t. I.. I don’t have money to go out for breakfast. It’s kind of why I haven’t had the chance to get groceries. I’m kind of broke, and I need the money I make for paying the rent and the bills and stuff.’’ She says while a slight blush makes its way on her face, showing her embarrassment for her money problems.

Camila’s eyes soften as they search for Lauren’s. ‘’Babe, have you gotten any good meals lately?’’ she asks carefully. Lauren doesn’t answer and just keeps looking down. And that’s enough for Camila to know the truth. ‘’Alright, I’m taking you out and you’re going to eat whatever you want. And I’ll explain to you why you don’t have to worry about money anymore.’’

Lauren’s eyes shoot up at hers. ‘’I don’t.. have to worry anymore? What do you mean?’’ she asks with confusion in her eyes. Camila smiles gently at her. ‘’Go put some shoes on, we’re going to eat something first.’’ She says making Lauren stand still in hesitation for a moment before nodding and starting her search for her shoes.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now