Worse News - Chap. 23

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Chapter 23


Today is the day.

It’s time.

It’s over.

Those are the words that keep repeating themselves in Camila’s head ever since she woke up this morning. She sighs and sits up on her bed, her back leaning against the wall. She looks down at her hand, smiling when the bright silver ring comes into her view. She reaches out and twists it around her finger, thinking back to the day before.

In the morning visit, Tyler came by. They chatted about the wedding the day before and spent most of the hour just laughing over old memories and cracking jokes. Camila loved Tyler for making her laugh and feeling a bit better.

Her wedding day had been a dream. Sure, getting married in prison isn’t your ideal situation, and it definitely wasn’t the dream wedding she had wanted to experience with Lauren, but getting married at all was more important to Camila than fanciness, a beautiful location or anything else.

The fact that Lauren rather wanted to be married to her for 48 hours, than not at all, made her heart still flutter. Unfortunately, quickly after they both said ‘’I do’’, the hour was almost over. Camila knew it had to end, but she still wished it could have taken a little longer. Even just a few minutes.

But everybody cleared out of the room to give Camila and Lauren the last five minutes of the hour together. They talked happily, as if they didn’t have a single worry in the world. They shared kisses like every just married couple would share, and spoke words of love only they knew how to pronounce.

Camila smiled at the memory. Tyler had told her he loved that day, and that the look in Camila’s eyes was one he had never seen before. A look of pure joy within the mess that was her life at that moment. Like a small kid that would enter a candy store even though they lost their parents in the mall. Tyler wasn’t able to explain what he saw, but Camila knew exactly what he meant. She had never felt that happy, carefree, joyful, loved and cared for ever before.

After Tyler had to leave again yesterday, Camila was brought back to her cell. She started gathering her stuff together, though it wasn’t that much, and spent her time waiting for the next visitor’s hour, knowing it would be her wife.

When the hour finally arrived, she spent half of it kissing Lauren senseless, and the other half of it talking about their wedding. Lauren wondered how Camila had experienced it, since she was hesitant in the beginning. But Camila knew how to ensure her wife, and knew exactly what to say to make the doubts go away.

She had held Lauren in her arms the whole hour, never letting her out of her reach. She knew Lauren had had a hard time with their wedding night. Tyler told her that as soon as they left prison, Lauren broke down once again. She had loved the day, and how everything had turned out, but spending her wedding night alone, brought a wave of sadness she hadn’t even considered before.

Camila hated the fact that she wasn’t able to be there for her during that moment. And during that night. If she was only able to hold Lauren, or be there for her to wipe her tears away and whisper words of comfort, it would all be okay. But it wouldn’t be okay. And Camila knows it.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now