Worse News - Chap. 10

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Chapter 10


‘’MILA! WE NEED TO TALK!’’ he says loudly walking up to Camila and stopping in front of her. Camila frowns at him. ‘’What are you talking ab-‘’ Camila starts, but gets cut off by her best friend.


‘’Why the hell didn’t you tell me about him!’’ Tyler yells, and Camila’s eyes go wide.

‘’Tyler..-‘’ Camila tries. ‘’No! You’re going to tell me the truth, right now!’’ Her best friend yells, pointing a blaming finger at Camila.

Camila gulps. She has never seen Tyler this angry. She knows he won’t back down now, and she will have no choice but to eventually tell him everything. The worst part of all, was that Lauren was in the same room, looking between Tyler and Camila in confusion.

This is all going wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be this way! Camila thinks, getting frustrated that her friend is ruining everything. She didn’t want Lauren to know. Or Tyler. They weren’t supposed to worry. Camila looks down, trying to gather her thoughts.

‘’Tyler.. Camila what’s going on?’’ She hears Lauren ask from behind her. Camila sighs, closing her eyes. She can’t stand to hear those worries in her fiancé’s voice.

‘’Yes Camila, tell us what is really going on.’’ Tyler says, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on her. Lauren sits down on the arm rest of the couch, just out of her girlfriend’s reach. She looks at her with worried eyes, and Camila can feel them burning into her skin.

‘’I… I can’t.-‘’ Camila starts, but gets cut off by Tyler again. ‘’Bullshit! Tell us the truth, or I will tell Lauren who is really responsible for this whole investigation!’’ he yells, pacing back and forth in front of her. ‘’Camz, what is he talking about?’’ Lauren asks in a small voice, deadly afraid of whatever Camila could have been hiding from her.

Camila opens her mouth, but closes it again and sighs. ‘’I… I was going to tell you..’’ she starts, looking up at Tyler pleadingly, asking him silently to keep his mouth shut in front of Lauren. ‘’No you weren’t.’’ He spat back at her. ‘’You hoped they wouldn’t find enough evidence and this would all just blow over. Well guess what, it won’t.’’ He says, looking back at Camila in clear frustration, anger and even worry.

Camila takes a deep breath, trying to contain her breathing. ‘’What do you mean it won’t blow over?’’ She asks quietly, keeping her eyes away from both Tyler and Lauren. She hears him chuckle dryly at her question, knowing very well she was trying her hardest to change the topic in the slightest bit.

‘’Camila stop fucking around. Last chance to tell me, and more importantly Lauren, the truth, or I will tell you my side of the story.’’ He say threateningly. ‘’Camz, please? I don’t understand what’s happening right now.’’ Lauren says softly, shifting Camila’s attention from her best friend over to her.

Camila looks into her worried and scared green eyes and sighs, running her hands through her hair in defeat. ‘’I’m sorry. I should have told you.’’ She says, keeping her eyes fully focused on Lauren’s. The girl furrows her eyebrows when it doesn’t look like Camila is going to say anything else.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now