Worse News - Chap. 12

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Chapter 12


Lauren gets yanked away from Camila by her dad quickly, too fast for Camila to react. He pulls her away from her, pushing her over to her mom behind him. Lauren groans lightly and holds her arm in pain from the sharp pull her father gave her.

‘’Babe, are you oka-‘’ Camila asks worriedly, stepping closer, but being shoved back by Michael. ‘’Stay the hell away from her!’’ he says loudly. Camila stumbles back slightly, giving the man no attention at all and keeping her worried eyes on Lauren.

‘’Are you okay?’’ She asks again, not taking a step towards her this time. Lauren looks up as she sits down next to Tyler and nods. Tyler looks at her cluelessly while wrapping an arm around Lauren, not having any idea what’s happening and what he can do to help her. Camila just nods at Lauren, and Tyler gets the silent message to just be there for Lauren.

‘’You murderer.’’ Michael growls at her, taking another step closer to her. Camila takes a small step back, finally letting her eyes look at him. She doesn’t want to upset him even more, but she’s also showing that she’s not scared of him. She’s already losing everything around her, so a fight with Michael Jauregui isn’t something she can’t handle right now.

‘’Don’t you dare come near my daughter again. You’re not good for her, you are a piece of trash that will never come even close to her again.’’ He says lowly, his eyes shooting burning daggers at her. Camila takes a deep breath to try and calm herself down. She knows that everything she will say now, will only make him angrier.

‘’How could you even think about bringing my daughter’s life in danger? You should have never come near her! She could get killed because of you!’’ he yells. Camila looks back at Lauren, who is looking at her dad with big, scared eyes. Camila knows she has never seen her father like that before. Mike never got angry.

Camila looks back at him, her eyes showing strength and determination. ‘’I never brought her life in danger. If anything, I did everything I could to keep her safe.’’ She says calmly, but firmly. Mike huffs in anger. ‘’Are you serious? You fucking killed four people and you’re telling me she’s safe with you?’’ he asks her loudly.

‘’Maybe if you knew the whole sto-‘’ Camila starts, but Mike cuts her off. ‘’I don’t need to hear the whole damn story! I need you to stay away from her. Let her be happy instead of scared of you!’’ he says. Camila feels her anger rise within her. She tries to keep her mouth shut in order to avoid him getting even more upset, but it takes all of her energy not to shout back at him that he’s being a hypocrite.

‘’Dad, I’m not-‘’ Lauren tries to interrupt, but Mike turns around quickly.

‘’Stay out of this Lauren. I don’t want to hear a word from you!’’ he yells, taking a few big steps towards his daughter, who shrinks into Tyler in fear of her father. ‘’Don’t you think she deserves to explain herself?’’ Camila asks, now taking a step towards Mike, getting angrier at him for scaring his own daughter.

Mike whips his head around, his eyes on fire, his arms shaking in anger as he walks back to Camila. ‘’Don’t you start telling me what she deserves! I know what she deserves, and it’s a life without you! Without a murderer as her girlfriend! She’ll come home with me, you’ll go to jail for the rest of your life and rot away there like you deserve. Everybody happy.’’ He says through gritted teeth, pushing his finger against Camila’s shoulder.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now