Worse News - Chap. 35

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Chapter 35


‘’You… You want to start..’’ Camila stutters, looking down at Lauren with slightly widened eyes while feeling her heart go faster.

‘’A family.’’ Lauren finishes her sentence, feeling the insecurities come rushing back by the way her wife is looking at her. Her eyes are unreadable, and that doesn’t happen a lot because Lauren is always able to tell exactly how Camila feels. But not this time. She sees her wife’s eyes flicker between her own, she knows her mind is running wild with different thoughts that she tries to put into words.

‘’I.. I don’t know what to say..’’ Camila breathes out, her tight grip on the green-eyed girl’s body under water never loosening. Lauren gulps and looks down, trying to move back from her a little, but Camila won’t let her. She feels her loved one’s wet hand on her cheek, turning her head to look at her.

‘’I had no idea you were thinking about this.’’ She says softly, and Lauren shakes her head. ‘’Ever since you came back, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Now that I’ve got you with me again, I want to experience everything with you that we possibly can. And having a child and starting a family is at the top of my list.’’ Lauren admits shyly, but her heart goes a little faster when she sees Camila’s eyes.

‘’I.. have been thinking about it too. Ever since I got arrested.’’ She informs her wife softly, running her thumb over her cheek sweetly.

‘’Really?’’ Lauren breathes out, her eyes a bit wider now and her body is tingling in excitement.

‘’Yeah. When I was in prison, I couldn’t stop thinking about how it would be to have a child with you. To have our own little family.’’ She answers, pushing her forehead against Lauren’s and closing her eyes for a moment.

‘’So.. You would want to try it?’’ Lauren asks carefully, but a grin takes over her face in rapid speed when she feels Camila nod against her head as she opens her eyes to look back at her.

‘’Definitely.’’ Camila breathes out, a big smile now making its way on her face too. Lauren squeals loudly in excitement and throws her arms back around Camila’s neck while her wife just laughs. She can’t hold herself back any longer and smashes her lips against hers and starts kissing her wildly.

Camila kisses her back instantly, trying to keep up with Lauren’s fast and uncontrolled pace. ‘’Hmm, babe..’’ Camila mutters against her lips. ‘’Sweetie..’’ she tries again, but Lauren doesn’t listen and keeps kissing her, a bit slower now.

‘’Lauren.’’ Camila says, pushing her back gently and successfully separating their lips. Lauren looks at her with questioning eyes, a hint of worry is visible in them but disappears when Camila pecks her lips gently.

‘’Calm down babe.’’ She says with a smile and Lauren laughs while her cheeks turn red quickly. ‘’I’m sorry, just excited.’’ Lauren answers, looking down shyly.

‘’Of course you are.’’ Camila says with a chuckle, pulling Lauren’s body into her even more, grabbing her waist tightly and lifting her up in the water a bit. Lauren gets the hint and wraps her legs around her wife’s waist tightly, the warm water still surrounding them. She smiles when Camila spins them around in the water slowly, a big grin on her lips.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now