Worse News - Chap. 3

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Chapter 3


‘’Baby? We’re almost there, wake up sweetie.’’ Lauren whispers into Camila’s ear. ‘’Hmm.’’ Comes the sleepy response. Lauren chuckles. ‘’We’re going to land Camz, you have to sit up and put your seatbelt on.’’ Lauren says softly, cupping Camila’s chin and brushing her thumb over her cheek.

‘’Five more minutes?’’ Camila asks, her eyes still closed and her head on her fiancé’s shoulder. Lauren laughs. ‘’No babe, you have to sit up now, the flight attendant is already coming over.’’ She answers, looking at the man who is checking if everybody has their seatbelt on. ‘’I can handle him.’’ Camila mumbles.

Lauren just laughs and shakes her shoulder, making Camila’s head roll from side to side. She groans. ‘’Alright, alright. I’m up.’’ Camila says, sitting up straight and searching for her seatbelt. Just when the flight attendant looks over at them, Camila fastens her belt and smiles up at him innocently. ‘’Everything all right ladies?’’ He asks, eyeing Lauren a little bit longer than he should be, according to Camila.

‘’Yeah, my fiancé and I are great, thank you for asking.’’ Camila says, smiling up at him and putting her arm over Lauren’s shoulder who looks at her with a smile. The man nods and continues his walk down the small path.

‘’That wasn’t necessary.’’ Lauren says, raising her eyebrows. ‘’What? I didn’t do anything?’’ Camila asks, pretending to be innocent. ‘’Oh stop it. We both know what just happened.’’ Lauren answers with a pointed look.

‘’What happened?’’ Camila asks with a playful confused look. Lauren smiles. ‘’Well, a very, very hot flight attendant just checked me out. He was kind of cute right?’’ she asks mockingly, turning around to look at the man. ‘’Alright, that’s enough.’’ Camila says, leaning in to peck Lauren on the lips with a smile. Lauren chuckles and grabs Camila’s hand when she feels the plain starting its landing.  


‘’Mila!’’ Camila hears a voice shouting. She turns around and glares at the person in front of her. Tyler’s smile drops immediately and he turns around to start walking away. When he sees Camila drop her baggage, his walking turns into quick stumbling as Camila is chasing him through the airport.

‘’You dick! YOU USED MY BED!’’ Camila yells at him, catching up on him easily. Camila smiles through her glare, she knows it’s not fair to chase Tyler around when he can’t even run away because of his legs.

She grabs the back of his shirt and tugs him back when he is within her reach. Tyler gasps and stumbles back. ‘’I’m sorry!’’ he yells loudly. Camila glares at him for another moment. ‘’You had sex in my bed. Do you know how gross that is?’’ she asks him, keeping her voice down to avoid questioning looks from other travelers.

‘’I know, sorry!’’ he says quickly. Then Camila’s glare turns into a smile as she pats him on the back. ‘’It’s okay now, we burned the sheets.’’ She says, turning around to walk back to Lauren, who is waiting for her with their luggage.

Tyler sighs in relieve and walks back to Lauren and Camila. ‘’Hey Laur!’’ he says, smiling at her as he hugs her. ‘’Hey, you’re walking pretty good huh?’’ Lauren asks, her voice muffled by Tyler’s strong shoulder.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now