Worse News - Chap. 19

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Chapter 19


‘’Hands.’’ The big man in front of her says. She sighs. She holds her cuffed hands out in front of her, and he unlocks them. Before Camila has a chance to say or do something, the man walks out and the heavy door shuts behind him.

Camila looks down, rubbing her wrists carefully. She turns around and sees a small bed standing against the wall. She walks up to it and sits down, taking a look around the room.

It’s small. Very small. There’s small bed against the wall, a toilet in the corner with a little sink next to it. Then there’s the massive door with a small hatch that can only be opened from the outside. The walls are white, and empty. There are no pictures on the walls, no sign of life in there.

Camila sighs. ‘’So this is what prison looks like..’’ she mutters to herself. She turns to lay down, one hand under her head, the other one on her stomach. Her face is blank from any emotion. And so is her heart. She can’t think of anything she should be feeling right now. Anger? No. It’s her own fault that she’s here, she killed them, nobody else. She has no right to be angry at anybody but herself. But she’s been angry long enough, she has passed that stage.

Sadness then? Nope, no sign of sadness. Or at least not yet. Camila knows it’s all within her, and when she’ll finally realize that her life is over now, maybe she’ll feel sadness. But it hasn’t dawned on her yet, she can’t feel it yet. It’s weird, but it feels like it’s all just a dream. Like this can’t be real.

But it is real, and Camila knows it. She just hasn’t allowed herself to feel it yet. A flash of the trial appears in her mind. One she doesn’t like to remember.

‘’Are you fucking kidding me?’’ he yells, jumping out of his seat, his eyes raging with anger. Camila turns around just in time to watch him storm forward, but Mike grabs him. ‘’Let me go! Are you out of your mind!’’ Tyler yells at the judge.


‘’Mr. Blackburn, I understand how you feel, and I wish I didn’t have to do this either. But law is law, and I have to do my job.’’ Johnson reacts. Tyler shakes his head, still trying to get out of the death grip Michael Jauregui has on him.


‘’You and I both know Camila doesn’t deserve that! The whole fucking world understands that! Fucking death penalty, this is bullshit!’’ he yells. This time, the judge doesn’t react that nicely.


‘’Mr. Blackburn, I have made my decision, and I do not tolerate you talking to me like this. Please get this man out of here.’’ She says to the police officers on the side. The men nod and walk up to Tyler to push him out of the courtroom. With Tyler still protesting loudly, the doors slam closed.

Camila sighs. She doesn’t think she has ever seen him that angry. Or maybe it wasn’t anger? Maybe it was just the sadness that overwhelmed him? Camila doesn’t know, and she can’t really ask him how he could even think about going off at a judge like that. She shakes her head. Tyler is just as hot-headed as she is sometimes.

The ceiling of this jail cell doesn’t look that good either. It looks like it’s about to collapse. Camila wonders how quick she’d be dead if the ceiling did fall down on her. Would it be quicker than the injection they’ll give her in a couple of weeks? Less painful? Or maybe more painful?

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now