Worse News - Chap. 22

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Chapter 22


Camila looks up from her bed as the massive door of her cell opens slowly. She smiles and lies back down as Mallard appears and closes the door behind him again. ‘’What’s up?’’ she asks him, not moving to sit up to talk to him at all, knowing he doesn’t mind.

Mallard smiles. ‘’Nothing. How are you Camila?’’ he asks, as he sits down on the edge of the bed. Camila shrugs, placing her hands behind her head and still looking up at the ceiling. The ceiling that looks like it’s going to collapse any second more and more every day she spends here.

‘’I’m fine. As good as can be I guess.’’ She answers, glancing at Mallard momentarily, before looking back up at the ceiling. He nods. ‘’Three more days huh?’’ He mutters softly, glancing down at his fiddling hands. Camila nods too. ‘’Yup.’’ She answers casually.

‘’You don’t seem to have a problem with it, do you?’’ Mallard asks as he knits his eyebrows together to frown at Camila. Camila sighs and sits up. ‘’Of course I have a problem with it. It’s not like I want to die. I just have no other choice, so I’ll have to accept it.’’ She answers, making Mallard nod in understanding.

‘’Hmm that’s true.’’ Mallard mutters, not meeting Camila’s eyes. ‘’Listen, I’m really sorry it has gotten this far. I don’t think you deserve this punishment, and it kind of makes me regret that I took this case in the first place.’’ Mallard starts, but Camila holds her hand out to signal him to stop.

‘’You were just doing your job. I don’t blame you for anything, it’s been my fault in the first place, and it will always only be my fault. Not yours or Lauren’s or Tyler’s or whoever. So don’t be sorry.’’ She says, making Mallard look up and give her a sad smile.

‘’Thanks.’’ He mutters, making Camila nod and pat his back playfully. Ever since Camila has told the truth to Mallard, the two have grown closer. They could appreciate each other for their honesty and Mallard never wished the death sentence for Camila, because he believed that Camila didn’t deserve that.

‘’Still though, if there was anything I could do for you, I would have done it. Just want you to know that.’’ He says, standing up and straightening his tie. Camila smiles up at him and nods in appreciation. ‘’I know, thanks.’’ She says.

Mallard smiles down at her and then clears his throat, straightening up a bit. ‘’Hey, have you heard from Lauren or Tyler? They didn’t come down here for the morning visit.’’ Camila asks carefully, not wanting to sound desperately clingy to her girlfriend or demanding their presence.

Mallard just looks at her and shakes his head. ‘’No, haven’t heard from them.’’ He answers, making Camila nod and look down in slight disappointment. She’s not going to lie, she hoped one of them would be there this morning.

‘’Though I did come to pick you up for your afternoon visit.’’ Mallard says, making Camila’s face light up instantly. She had been in her cell all day, doing nothing and hoping for somebody to show up. Time went by incredibly slow, though it couldn’t have gone faster at the same time. She knows that every minute that passes, is one closer to her death.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now