Worse News - Chap. 4

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Chapter 4


‘’Where’s Dinah?’’ he spits at her.

‘’I don’t know.’’ She answers.

‘’I know she’s here, now move.’’ He growls.

‘’No.’’ she states.

‘’Move Cabello, I need to talk to her!’’ He yells.

‘’Talk to her, or hit her again?’’ She asks calmly.

Siope’s eyes go wide, his fists balled next to his sides are shaking while he tries to push past Camila. But Camila just pushes him back easily, blocking his way.

‘’I want to talk to her so get the fuck out of my way!’’ He yells at her. Camila raises her eyebrow. ‘’Well she doesn’t want to talk to you. So turn around and walk away before somebody gets hurt.’’ She says, her voice raising slightly.

‘’The only one that’s going to get hurt here is you, if you don’t step aside.’’ He growls and Camila smiles at him. ‘’Sure.’’ She answers sarcastically, when she hears something behind her. She casts a quick glance over her shoulder and sees Normani and Dinah enter the garage, Normani walking over to Tyler and Lauren wrapping Dinah in her arms. The girl is still crying and her mouth drops at the sight of Siope.

The girl is frozen in her place, her face draining from all the color. She tries to go back inside as quick as possible, but Lauren holds her back. ‘’Dinah don’t run away.’’ She whispers encouragingly. ‘’We’re here, don’t worry. He needs to know how you feel.’’ She says again, just loud enough for Camila and Siope to hear them.

‘’You see what you di…’’ Camila starts while turning back to Siope. But she can’t finish her sentence as she feels something hard collide with her nose. She stumbles back a bit and reaches her hand up. ‘’Oww.’’ She mutters, feeling the blood stream over her face. She hears Lauren’s voice behind her, calling her name, but her focus is on Siope. ‘’Shouldn’t have done that.’’ She says, before taking quick steps forward and throwing a punch in his stomach.

Siope is too slow to block her fist and feels the pain shoot through his body. Before he can react, Camila’s fist collides with his jaw, making him fall to the ground and landing with a loud thud. He gets up slowly and throws a punch towards Camila’s face, who blocks it easily. But she’s too slow for Siope’s foot, that kicks her in the stomach.

Camila falls down on her knees, grabbing her stomach in pain. Again, she can hear the screams of Lauren, and out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Normani holding Tyler back from helping her. He’s trying to stumble past her, but she won’t let him. Dinah watches in horror, trying to hold Lauren back from running to Camila, because she knows Siope. She knows that he won’t stop at this point and that he would hurt everything that crosses his path.

Camila looks back just in time to see Siope’s foot come flying towards her head, and her hand shoots up to grab his ankle and stop his kick. Siope almost falls over due to his lack of balance while Camila keeps one of his feet up in the air, and screams out in pain when he feels her other fist collide with his crotch.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now