Worse News - Epilogue

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‘’So when do we use these techniques?’’ Camila asks clearly, raising her voice slightly so she knows everybody can hear her.

‘’When we are in danger and there is no other solution.’’ The group of around 13 kids say in unison. Camila smiles and nods while she stands up. ‘’Exactly.’’

‘’Okay.. June, could you come here please?’’ She asks and watches the little girl jump up immediately with a big smile on her face. She can also hear some kids sigh because they wanted to be chosen.

‘’Alright June, I’m going to pretend to be a robber, and I want to steal your money. Now I want you to do whatever you think is right, but think about the rules at least a little bit. Okay?’’ Camila asks with a smile, poking the girl’s stomach playfully as she giggles and nods.

June turns around to go to the middle of the dojo and Camila walks to a small closet to pull out a black mask that she puts over her head. ‘’Alright, you ready June?’’ Camila asks and watches the focused eyes of her other students. June just nods at her and she sees her small face turn serious, all the playfulness completely gone.

‘’Give me your money!’’ Camila yells at the little girl, standing up straight and making herself look big to intimidate the girl a little. ‘’No.’’ June says back confidently, looking straight into Camila’s eyes.

‘’Give me your money now, or I’ll hit you!’’ Camila yells again and walks up to the little girl, who moves back slightly, but composes herself quickly. ‘’You’re not allowed to touch me!’’ June says back, but Camila keeps getting closer to her.

‘’Stop!’’ June says, putting her hand up in the air, making the stop sign. ‘’I’m going to grab you and take you with me if you don’t give me your money right now.’’ Camila says threateningly. ‘’No. Leave me alone!’’ June yells back loudly.

‘’Alright, have it your way then.’’ Camila says and pulls her fist back when she reaches the little girl. She lets her fist fly forward at an average speed and watches June step aside quickly so she misses her head and stands next to Camila.

‘’What are you-‘’ Camila starts angrily, but June grabs her elbow and punches the inside of it so that her teacher’s arm bends towards her. Then she pulls her arm back to her back and pushes Camila’s hand up to the spot between her shoulder blades.

‘’Oww..’’ Camila groans loudly, pretending to be hurt, and then she feels June kick behind her knee and she falls to the ground. ‘’I told you to leave me alone!’’ June says, kicking the other knee too and then letting go of Camila’s arm to run to the other side of the room.

Camila turns around and stands back up, removing the mask from her face. She looks at June for a few moments, who looks back at her with hopeful eyes. The silence in the room is almost too much for the 8 year old, and everybody looks at their teacher silently.

Then a smile makes its way on Camila’s lips as she begins to clap. ‘’Good job June, that was perfect!’’ she says with a grin and soon the other children join in with clapping and cheering for their classmate. ‘’Good job June!’’ and ‘’That was cool!’’ are being said by different kids who all stand up to congratulate June on her victory by bowing down for her in respect and then returning to their places.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now