Ch. 1 A Gift

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Today was not her day.

Not only had she been separated from her family but now she was miles away and within another territory. Melisande's father had warned her not to wonder past their borders but her curiosity and the scent of a deer got the best of her. The land was supposed to be neutral, a no man's land. It was common place for wonderers and rogues. Melisande didn't expect to run into anyone so close to her father's territory, so she didn't notice the three wolves until it was to late. Young and inexperienced, Melisande had all of her focus on tracking the fresh scent of the deer when she was attacked. The males had fought her until her wolf was exhausted and she was forced to shift.

Now hours from home and bound, she couldn't imagine what would be done to her. She knew her father was no doubt worried sick and her mother furious. There must be laws against this sort of thing, the Council would never tolerate it. To kidnap a pup, these males were asking for death.

Melisande had spent a good three hours kicking and screaming in the back of a van, tiring herself out. She'd only caught snippets of their conversations, too worried on getting free. From what she'd heard, she knew that they were going to use her as a gift of some sort to get their Alpha's favor. Now, growling and snapping her teeth, two wolves held her feet from the ground as she twisted and kicked. The third held doors open and led the way. She could smell more of her kind, they had brought her to their pack house.

Melisande's chest clenched in fright but her growling and screaming only increased when she was brought into a room where wolves curiously watched. She ignored the pain as she was roughly dropped on her knees. Her wild eyes searched the room before landing on the male before her. He was big but she'd spent her whole life around such males and he was nothing compared to her father.

The Alpha's eyes scanned over her as she pulled at the rope that tied her wrist behind her back, keeping her from shifting. If she was stronger she could break free, her brother would have been able to. Melisande promised herself that she'd be that strong, these males would never stand a chance against her one day.

"A gift for you, Alpha." The male to her right roughly fisted her hair and pulled her face up. She snarled at the Alpha before spitting at his feet. The male's eyes darkened as he sat forward in his seat.

"It seems she doesn't know a females place." Melisande growled and twisted out of the male's hold on her. Pushing herself to her feet, she ran the short distance to the Alpha. She didn't really have a plan, she just knew she wanted blood. Maybe it wasn't one of her smartest moves.

Her gums bled as her canines ripped through and she lunged for the male's throat. His meaty hand landed painfully across her face. The sound echoed through the otherwise silent room and sent Melisande to the floor. It was then that she finally noticed the small male by the alpha's side. Her nose flared, no not a male, a boy. A Human boy. His freakishly pale eyes met hers, his small body shaking, the smell of fear clouding his true scent.

"In time, perhaps this gift will be of use to me." Melisande was pulled back onto her knees. Her eyes didn't leave the Human, watching how the Alpha gripped the back of his neck. Melisande couldn't believe it. Her father would execute anyone for treating a Human so. She'd been so lost in thought that she hadn't heard a word spoken and was shocked when the Alpha slapped her again.

"I want the attitude beaten from her, she'll spend the night in a cell."

Melisande growled and made to stand again but this time a male gripped her arm tightly and held her in place. The Alpha's eyes scanned over her naked body before sitting back in his chair, his hand still possessively on the Human's neck. She met the boy's pale eyes again before being hauled out of the room, screaming and cursing.

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