Ch. 28 Ice Cream & Kittens

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Salem breezed into Azrael's room to see the big male tossing his phone away with a frown.

"Trouble?" He asked, throwing his arms around the male and pulling him down for a kiss. Azrael wrapped his arms around him and lifted him so his toes were barely brushing the floor. After the big male had devoured his mouth thoroughly, they pulled apart panting for breath.

"No, no trouble. Just a acquaintance who's making it a point to drop by." Salem raised a brow and Azrael pecked his lips again. "No one to worry about. Did you need something?" He put Salem back on his feet but didn't let him go. Salem was distracted for a minute, pressing his face into the male's chest and breathing in his scent.

"Oh, we're going to town." Azrael pushed him back to look him over.

"No." He growled, the sound making Salem's toes curl.

"You must have mistaken, I wasn't asking. I just thought it'd be nice to let you know where I am." He moved from Azrael's arms and made his way towards the door. Azrael was right behind him and slammed it shut before he could open it fully. Salem turned slowly.

"You're not leaving the pack house until that Witch is caught." His honey eyes seemed to darken.

"Don't be ridiculous, he'll never be found if I don't leave." He stood on his toes to kiss the male's jaw and watched his hard expression soften some. He was so easy. Salem smiled at him sweetly before pushing him back so he could open the door.

"I'm coming." Azrael said, following him down the hall.

"No you're not!" Melisande yelled from where she was waiting with Pasha down the hall. Azrael bared his blunt teeth at her before turning back to Salem.

"She's right. You told your dad you'd train the warriors in the yard today." Azrael cursed under his breath before kissing Salem aggressively.

"Be careful." He ordered. Salem smirked.

"Of course, you still owe me." He winked and was rewarded with an adorable blush from Azrael before he turned to leave.

The little ice cream parlor in town was always crowded during the summer so the three chose to face the heat and sit outside. Pasha was laid out on a picnic table, raising his head occasionally to eat a spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Salem thought it was disgusting, like eating frozen toothpaste and dark chocolate. Melisande's chocolate cone was just as revolting. Now the triple cotton candy waffle cone covered in rainbow sprinkles, it got no better than that.

He wasn't paying much attention to their conversation, just humming whenever his name was mentioned. His mind was focused on eating his ice cream before it melted and thinking of what else he'd like to be licking. Or who else.

He and Azrael hadn't done anything else and he was kind of becoming annoyed. He could of sworn the Alpha was purposely making Azrael busy. For whatever reason Salem didn't know. Those who knew about them being Mates didn't talk about it and the pack has yet to be told officially. He wouldn't admit to his feelings being slightly hurt by the Alpha pair. He'd always looked up to them as parent figures and they basically are now. Did they like Salem but not enough for him to be mated to their son?

Pasha's squeal dragged him out of his head. Melisande was cursing the small male who was busy rolling off the picnic table. Salem couldn't help but laugh at Melisande who had chocolate all over her mouth.

"Look!" Pasha was bouncing on his toes and pointing to the trash cans.

"Yes, I see exactly where you came from." Melisande grumbled, wiping ice cream off her face. Pasha smacked her arm before darting away from her glare.

Salem ignored them and watched the tiny black kitten lick up some melted ice cream out of a cup. In his head, Salem was squealing as much as Pasha but no one would know it from the blank expression he wore.

Pasha tried calling the kitten to him and was completely ignored. Salem snorted and went back to his ice cream that was starting to melt down his hand.

"Watch him get attacked." Melisande whispered. Salem turned to Pasha who was inching closer to the kitten that had abandoned the ice cream and was looking up at the male. It's little tail was down and swishing, clearly agitated with its ears back and flickering. Pasha reached for it, a small paw swiped at the male making him gasp. Melisande was holding onto her stomach laughing when Pasha turned around cradling his clawed hand.

"I hate cats." He declared, stomping back to the table. The little kitten darted from behind the trash can towards them and Pasha yelled out in fright as he crawled on top of the picnic table. Melisande was practically in tears from laughter and Salem couldn't help giggling as he scooped up the tiny kitten.

"He's not scary at all." Salem cooed, petting the kitten's head.

"That's not fair!"

"Oh my god! You screamed like a girl!" Melisande was still bent over laughing as Pasha pouted. He reached for the kitten in Salem's arms only to jerk back when it hissed. Salem cooed at the kitten, stroking his soft black fur. It looked up at him with light blue eyes and purred. Salem smiled and held it close to his chest.

Yeah, this kitten was his.

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