Ch. 5 Secrets

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Melisande glanced up from her book about war strategies. Salem laid at the end of her bed, his hair hanging over the side and his eyes on the ceiling. She'd known something had been on his mind but she wasn't going to force it out of him, so she waited for him to say something.

That plan seemed not to be working. Time for another angle.

"You're always quiet but not this quiet." Melisande sat aside her book and crossed her legs. Salem rolled onto his side and looked at her. "Is something wrong? Did someone say something to you?" She pressed, worried about him. She'd heard a male say something to a friend about Salem the other day, that male walked away with a swollen lip. She was just glad the Human hadn't been around, his feelings would have been hurt.

"No, nothing like that..." he trailed off, sitting up and crawling in front of her. "I need to tell you something." She nodded but kept silent, waiting for him to spit it out. "I-I think I might, no, I know I like...boys." Melisande's shoulders sagged. That's all? That's what's been worrying him?

"Me too." She giggled making him laugh and push her shoulder.

"I'm serious." He said, trying to keep the smile off his face.

"Well so am I!" This ended up with the two wrestling, Melisande easily winning and tossing a pillow over Salem's face. He groaned. "Fine, so do you like a boy in particular?" She figured he was gay a while ago when she'd walked into his room and he was dancing and lip syncing a Brittany Spears song. It was kind of obvious after that. Plus he always got nervous and fidgety around other boy's their age but was his usual quiet self around girls.

Salem sat up and smiled like he had a secret. "I'm not telling." Melisande gaped at him.

"Oh come on! You probably have the hots for Az or something." She teased, watching his face turn scarlet. Melisande gasped and Salem moved to place his hand over her mouth.

"Shut up! You can't tell anyone. Promise me." He pleaded. Melisande forced herself to calm down.

"Fine, I promise I will not say a word." He nodded and sighed in relief. "You know, this makes so much sense." All those times she'd witnessed him staring at her older brother or just absently smiling up at him. Her smile wavered when she remembered who exactly he had a crush on. There was no way Azrael would return his feelings, not the male who's been with more females than he could even recount, who's never harbored any feelings for a male.

"I hope no one else noticed." He bit down on his bottom lip worriedly.

"Nah." She reassured. Melisande really hoped this crush would stay just that. She didn't want the Human's feelings to get hurt.


Melisande had waited all week until the pack meet when she knew Salem wouldn't be around to over hear anything.

She'd followed the male's scent and then blended into the trees so she couldn't be seen. When the pup ran past her, she tackled the smaller wolf to the pine covered ground. He whined, trying to wiggle out from under her but it was no use. She was bigger and stronger.

When the pup stopped struggling, she moved from over him and shifted. It still hurt having only had her first shift a year ago but she refused to be slow about it.

It took a minute for Xzavier to fully shift back to his lanky human form. His dark skin had the same silver glow under the moon light as his wolf's fur did.

"What was that for?!" He cried, still out of breath from shifting. Melisande rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, glaring down at the pup only to intimidate and make him feel uncomfortable.

"I need your help with something." He looked up at her like she was crazy and dusted himself off as he stood. "I think it'll be more fun in it for you anyways, I mean, you've never had a boyfriend. Have you?" She smirked knowingly.

Xzavier was the only openly gay Wolf her age and so he was perfect for the task. "No..." he said, adverting his eyes bashfully. Melisande snorted, yeah, this pup was perfect. Nothing like her whore of a brother and Xzavier actually liked boys.

"Great." She smiled, patting his shoulder roughly and making him wince as they started walking slowly back towards the pack house. "So, you know my brother, the Human one, not the big idiot." She clarified. "Do you think he's cute?"

Xzavier looked up at her with wide eyes. "Why? Did he say anything?" He rushed.

Melisande smirked. "Not exactly..." she trailed off. "But! I think he'd totally be game."

"Really?" Xzavier asked excitedly.

"Yeah, totally." She hoped. If she could get Salem to forget completely about Azrael, that would be perfect. No ones feelings would get hurt and Salem could have his very own little chew toy to play with. No harm would be done. "Listen, lets keep this conversation between us, okay?"

Xzavier nodded, still smiling like a doofus.

"Just, you know, work your gay magic." The pup laughed and Melisande droned out as he started yapping about ideas and plans for him and Salem.

Yeah, Whatever works.

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