Ch.15 Time to work

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Azrael watched the Human from where he sat on the couch in the den. His pale eyes were narrowed on Liam who continued to call the boy the hated nickname. Melisande was telling a story about Salem being dared to jump off the dock into the frozen over lake. Apparently the small boy didn't even make a dent in the ice but when a male tried to walk out and get him, the ice had cracked. Azrael didn't find the story funny, he worried about what the Human got up to when he wasn't around and how dangerous it was.

Liam went on to tell everyone Azrael's greatest fear. How he'd walked into a spiders web and tried to wipe it off his muzzle before his eyes crossed to look at the spider on him. Everyone laughed at Azrael's expense and Liam explained how he yelped like a kicked pup and started jumping around. Azrael rolled his eyes, not really caring because Salem wore a small smile as he heard the dramatic retelling.

Although Salem looked the same, Azrael could see how his face had matured some. He looked sharper, not as soft and innocent. Not that he was ever really innocent, Azrael could always tell that from the gleam in his pale eyes and how they lit up with mischief. His midnight black hair was longer too, hanging in soft waves to his waist. Azrael wanted to run his fingers through the silky tresses.

"You couldn't even beat me when I was still a unshifted pup!" Melisande snapped at Liam.

"I didn't want to hurt you." Liam rolled his eyes at the short tempered female.

Azrael ignored them, his eyes leaving Salem when the Human turned towards him. His wolf was agitated that he hadn't accepted his apology, he wanted to be near the boy. Azrael for once agreed with his wolf. He wanted to be close with Salem again but he knew he messed up, he knew he hurt him and he'll have to live with that.

"Do you want to take this to the Center? I'll show you how skilled I am!" Melisande challenged, jumping up from her seat on the couch to stand over Liam with a heated glare.

Salem sighed and slipped from the couch he was sharing with them and moved to sit beside Azrael. His sweet citrusy scent had Azrael unconsciously leaning towards him. Salem turned his head and looked at him, an arched brow rising in question while his eyes sparked with amusement.

Azrael cleared his throat and backed up some. He looked away from the Human, his face warming in embarrassment.

"What are you going to do? Throw a bitch fit?" Liam asked with a teasing smirk. Azrael and Salem groaned as Melisande growled. Her hazel eyes seemed to burn with a fire in her anger.

Liam was laughing and it was becoming clear that the male was about to be attacked.

"My bets on Mel." Salem whispered, moving closer to Azrael so their legs touched. Azrael stared at the boy's thigh while clearing his throat.

"Liam is a Beta."

Salem hummed softly. Azrael had noticed that the boy no longer wore his easy smiles or giggled sweetly. A majority of the time, Azrael had only seen Salem with a bored expression. He didn't like it.

"That he is..." Salem spoke quietly so the two Wolves glaring at each other couldn't hear. "But Mel...well, she's Mel." He looked up at Azrael and gave a wicked little smirk that made him inhale sharply. His palms were itching with the need to touch him, to feel his warmth.

Azrael shifted closer so they were pressed together from their shoulders to their knees. Salem leaned into him and Azrael's large hand finally gripped the boy's thigh, making him shiver.

Salem's small hand fell on top of his but he made no move to remove it. Their eyes met and Azrael knew he would do anything to get this Human boy to forgive him. He'll always regret pushing Salem away in fear and he needed Salem to know this too.

Roland entered the den with the Madam Alpha following and Salem quickly pushed his hand away and created distance between them. Azrael kept the frown off his face as he looked up at his mother.

"You two will never change." Allora sighed, shaking her head at Melisande and Liam.

"He started it." Melisande accuses, glaring down at Liam who she'd dragged onto the floor.

Their mother smiled, looking like the nicer version of Melisande. "Azrael, Liam, the Alpha would like to see you in his office."

Azrael groaned but stood anyways. He knew it was only a matter of time before he'd be busy taking over the Alpha duties. It seems the short break is over.

"Why? Is he sending them on a mission?" Melisande asked nosily, looking between the three males before turning to the Madam Alpha.

"Now Melisande, you know that's none of your business. Do I have to remind you what will happen the next time you stick your nose where it doesn't belong?" Their mother was the only one who could get away with using Melisande's full name but her left eye twitched from hearing it.

"No mother." Melisande said like a spoiled child.

Azrael glanced at Salem one last time before following after his mother.

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