Ch. 50 Darkness

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There's not much Salem remembers about his childhood. What he does remember, he'd rather forget. Like his first foster home. Or the first one he remembers. He was six, maybe younger. It was the perfect home, with the perfect parents. Salem was there for about two years. Enough time that he'd thought it would be his forever home. It was the first lesson about life Salem learned. A hard lesson but one that's helped him throughout the years.

If something appears too good to be true, it usually is.

The day was sunny, the ground still wet from a storm that passed through the night. Pups were already running through the yard getting dirty and everyone was pretending nothing unusual had happened recently.

Standing in front of his bedroom window that faced the backyard, Salem watched the sky. There was nothing peculiar about it. Yet he watched it nonetheless.

He had left Azrael alone in his room, knowing his Mate didn't want to be distracted. He had immersed himself into the stack of books he'd brought back from the Alphas private collection. All the ones that mentioned the only wolf like himself. A wolf of legend. An Alpha of Alphas. Salem couldn't help but to smirk. Who would choose his adorably awkward mate for such a position?

Azrael's irritation at being thought of as adorable was felt through their bond. Salem chuckled softly as he turned from the window and looked around his room. Lately he's been staying in Azrael's room, treating his own as a closet. The bed hadn't been slept in for a couple of days but the purple silk sheets were an unmade mess, and the red comforter was hanging half off the bed. Everything was exactly how he liked it. A mess Azrael calls it. How can it be a mess if he knows where everything is?

Picking up the box of matches, Salem took his time lighting all the candles that filled any empty space. He always preferred the flickering glow over the ceiling light. The candles did nothing at this time of the day though. Not yet.

In front of his dresser, Salem looked over himself in the mirror. He still wore Azrael's shirt, the male making him put something on before he crossed the hall to his room. He didn't remind his Mate that he could travel through the darkness and instead conceded. Only because he wanted to wear the shirt covered in Azrael's scent.

Salem started with brushing any tangles out of his hair until it was silky smooth. He couldn't see himself ever cutting it.

While watching himself in the mirror, Salem absentmindedly created a silhouette of darkness behind him. It was tall and thin, other than being the shape of a man it held no human characteristics. Against a wall it would look to be nothing more than a shadow. He had it raise a hand before lowering it again. It was simple with no thought behind it really. No different than if he was to raise his own hand. Moving it beside him, Salem had it reach out for a piece of jewelry that covered his dresser. Its fingers slipped through and he frowned.

Pulling off Azrael's shirt, Salem tossed it onto the bed. He wanted to look nice today. His silhouette of darkness followed him around as he dressed, choosing the black leather pants he favored. They were tight to his legs, and they tied up rather than having buttons.

He missed Nox. The fat little kitten had followed the other animals, seemingly disappearing. Hopefully he was safe, wherever he was.

Picking out a black shirt that was loose with silver vines stitching up the sleeves and his regular boots, Salem took the longest trying on different pieces of jewelry. If he could wear it all, he would. Sparkly and shiny things made him feel giddy inside.

A small platinum cross hung from one ear and a little hoop in the other. He stacked platinum chains and rings too. Finally satisfied, Salem turned from the mirror and created his silhouette again. He played with its shape, making it short or tall, thin or curvy. Reaching his hand out, the silhouette mirrored his action.

"I want you to pick that up." Salem nodded to the knife on the nightstand beside his bed. There was no point talking to it, it was of his own making. When he had it reach for it, it's hand went through the knife like it did the jewelry. Salem focused harder, putting more thought behind it.

A smirk lifted his lips when it worked and his darkness stood in front of him with a knife in hand. This ability of his may be his favorite.

A knock on the door distracted him and the knife dropped to the floor, his darkness scattering.

"Come in." He said, watching as the door opened.

"You wanted to see me?"

Salem turned away from the smirking male leaning against the doorframe. "I did." He confirmed, having sent Melisande to hunt down the male earlier.

"Finally want to finish what you started?" His voice was smooth, seductive. Salem had to applaud the male's skill, it rivaled his own. "That big Mate of yours can join too, I bet he's fun to play with."

"He is." Salem smirked at the male. "He's also mine and mine alone."

"Greedy." He put on a slight pout and Salem chuckled. As much as the male annoyed him, he amused him equally.

"Your Estate," Salem began, getting to the point. A pained look flashed across the male's face before his smirk replaced it. "Why is your sister still there?" He knew it to be so. It's where Azrael had sent Roland. To watch them from a distance. The Russian's mate had yet to leave.

Miguel crossed his arms in front of him, his jaw clenching and that lie of a smile finally falling. "My earlier profession has taught me a lot of things. It's also made me very aware of the dangers in this world."

Salem hummed. "What do you have there that she would want?"

Miguel laughed shortly, looking towards Salem. "What do I not have there, is the question to ask. The most advanced security system money could buy, guns...more silver than a wolf should be comfortable owning. I created somewhere safe. Or so I thought."

"How did she get through all of that?"

"Dark Magic, what else?" Miguel pushed away from the doorframe and moved closer to Salem, staring down at him. "Twelve witches I protected in return for their magic could do nothing against it. It's death and nothing more."

Salem smirked up at the male. "You're not telling me everything." Miguel growled, staring at him with a challenge in his eyes before storming out of his room. The male could run all he wanted, his secrets will catch up with him eventually.

"Should he be trusted?"

Salem didn't look at his Mate who entered his room and instead turned towards the window. "No." Was Salem's simple response. "He still loves his sister, no matter what she's become."

"So why keep him around?"

Salem said nothing, watching the sky. Azrael is smart, he'll figure it out eventually.

Arms snaked around his middle and he was pulled back against a hard chest. "What is it you're searching for?" Azrael asked into his ear.


Azrael stood with him, absentmindedly trailing kisses along the column of his neck as they looked out the window. Salem could feel his Mate wasn't satisfied with what he'd gotten from the books. He needed to know more. Salem was curious too.

His answers came not much longer. It told him the boy whose dreams he visited chose his Mate. As anyone would. Gradually the sky darkened until it resembled night. There was no sun and no moon, only stars remained.

Azrael stood behind him speechless. The male didn't know what to do. The wolves outside stared at the sky much like his Mate did.

A lot in this world was going to change now, based all on that small male's choice to save his Mate. Salem didn't hate him for it. He would have done the same. It wasn't his fault anyways.

Durning the middle of the day, the world turned dark and the Sun wouldn't rise again. Not without his Day. But Night remained and with him, his stars.

Thanks everyone for reading!!! This isn't the end and the next book will be out soon.

Any questions?

If you don't know already, this book and my book Gods & Monsters are connected. They have no reading order but should both be read before the next book.

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