Ch. 8 Instinct

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Azrael tossed aside the clothes hangers he didn't need and struggled to zip up his stuffed suitcase. After several tries he gave up with a huff. The quiet noice from the doorway made him spin around to see Salem, covering his mouth to try and stop his laughter.

"Laughing at me, are you?" Azrael picked up the boy making him squeal before dropping him on top of the suitcase. Now with the extra weight, he tried the zipper and smiled when it closed completely. "That'll do it."

"How will you get it closed again without me?" Pale eyes looked up at him through dark lashes. Azrael grunted but otherwise didn't acknowledge the question.

Over the weeks he's been avoiding packing for college, he's also been avoiding the boy now staring up at him with his pretty eyes. He knew if he hadn't, he would have done something they would have greatly regretted. Even now his lush pink lips taunted him and his innocent eyes dared him.

"You'll call right? I'm going to miss you, you're my best friend." Azrael chuckled at Salems words.

"Don't let Mel hear you say that, she might go for my other eye." Salem frowned, his slender fingers reaching up and tracing the pink scar that cut through his eyebrow and under his eye. In time it will fade to nothing, Azrael was just thankful she missed his eye.

"No, we wouldn't want that. Can't mess up your pretty face." Salem teased.

Azrael pushed Salem back, making the boy fall off his suitcase and onto the bed. His light giggles making Azrael smile as he pulled his suitcase off the bed to sit it by the door. He'll be leaving within the next couple of hours and the thought wiped away his smile. Salem seemed to know what he was thinking and he too lost his easy smile.

"You have your toothbrush, right?"


"And a comb?"


"What about your blankie, you can't sleep without that." He squealed when Azrael attacked his sides, rolling around trying to get away from his tickling hands. He tried to crawl up the bed and the sight of him on his hands and knees brought forth Azrael's wolf. The male gripped the boy's legs and pulled him back down the bed. Salem gasped when Azrael flipped him onto his back and climbed above him.

Salem's breathing became shallow, his body instantly reacting. Azrael groaned when Salem wrapped his legs around his hips and pressed their groins together. Azrael knew the little Human wasn't as innocent as he looked, the gleam in his pale eyes gave him away.

"You know we can't do this." Azrael said, tucking Salem's hair behind his ear.

"Why not? You know you want to." He rolled his hips making the bigger male grunt. "I want you to cover me in your scent." His words were spoken breathlessly against Azrael's lips, his tongue flicking out to taste him. Salem knew exactly what he was doing and the effect he had on him.

Azrael gave in, his mouth claiming the boy's roughly, his hard member grinding against the one below him. Salem's needy moans were music to his ears, encouraging him to go on, to take more. Azrael's wolf was close, making his skin feel tight and his gums ache with the need to mark this boy, to claim him completely. He was too out of it to understand the full meaning of his own thoughts.

Salem's small hands found their way under his shirt, the skin to skin contact making them both shiver. Azrael pulled back enough to grab Salem's straining hardness. The boy arched his back and bared his throat. The unconscious submissive act had Azrael reeling. His large hand kneading him through his jeans, his eyes never leaving Salem's face unless it was to suck up temporary marks along his neck.

Azrael almost went over the edge when his boy's hand gripped him through his jeans. Salem's eyes opened as he stroked, taking in his size.

"Oh Gods." His sweet voice rang through otherwise silence. Azrael couldn't help his smug smile. Salem's free arm wrapped around his neck and pulled his lips to his, Azrael let him take the lead before dominating him and leaving him gasping for breath and rolling his hips against his hand.

"Please." Salem begged shamelessly, his breath warm against Azrael's neck. He gripped Salem's wrist and held his hands above him, their groins pressed together once again. Seeing the beauty writhing beneath him almost had him loose control to his wolf. "Azrael." Salem whined.

Azrael kissed him again, tasting the boy and groaning. That seemed to be too much for Salem who gasped into the kiss and cried out. Azrael let go of his wrist and Salem's hands gripped at his shoulders and back. His back bowing off the bed as he moaned out, pressing as much of himself against Azrael as he could. The scent of his climax sent Azrael into his own. He growled out, thrusting against his spent boy before collapsing atop him. Azrael had enough thought to put most of his weight on his arms but Salem pulled him against him, seeming to want his full weight pressing him into the bed.

When he came to, Azrael placed light kisses up Salem's neck, breathing in his scent. The room smelled of their sweat and semen, musky and Salem's unique sweetness. Anyone that came into the room would know exactly what they've been doing.

Azrael rolled off the smaller boy, the stickiness in his boxers becoming uncomfortable. Their encounter left Azrael just as confused as the first time. He'd never felt any attraction towards a male but here this Human boy is enticing him with his pretty eyes and alluring scent, making him almost loose all control of himself and only acting on instinct. Maybe it was a good thing he'll be going away, maybe time away is what he needs.

Salem smiled at him sweetly before getting off the bed and quickly leaving the room. Azrael groaned and turned his face into his pillow. That boy was going to be the death of him.

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