Ch. 41 Unwanted Company Pt. 2

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The pack house was quiet. There were no pups running around playing or yelling coming from the den. It made Azrael feel uneasy even though he knew his pack was safe. For now.

What he could hear was the approaching vehicles. They were trespassing onto his land and he couldn't help the anger that swirled in him and pissed off his wolf.

Salem seemed unbothered, his movements sure and graceful. Azrael stuck close to his side and trusted his mate in knowing what he was doing. If it came to it, he would fight, his pack would fight. There was no way Salem would be taken from him in any way, not as long as he breathed.

A slender hand brushed against his clenched fist and Azrael exhaled slowly.

"Azrael! What in the Goddess do you think you're doing?!"

His shoulders tensed at his mothers voice and he paused in his steps to turn around and look to the Alpha female. His father was beside her, forever the silent and calculating Alpha.

"At the moment, we're going to say hi."

Melisande snorted at his words from where she'd followed behind their parents.

"So it's true, the Council is coming here?"

"I already told you this." Melisande said with a roll of her eyes. Their mother didn't spare her a glance but turned to her Mate. They seemed to have a silent conversation before the Alpha female stepped back.

"Well, I'd like to see how you handle this." The Alpha said. Azrael could tell that his mother didn't look so pleased with his father's decision decision but was willing to go with it. He nodded to his father, knowing this was a test.

It was always difficult for Alphas to give up their title, even to their chosen heir. There have been some situations that called for an Alpha to be challenged, those usually resulted in families cutting ties with each other and rifts within the pack. Azrael knew that wouldn't be the case with his father, but he also knew the older male will only pass on the title when he knows the pack is in capable hands.

Liam appeared beside Salem, nodding his head in greeting.

Azrael couldn't help the satisfaction he felt when Liam scented Salem and took a step away from the little male.

Salem plucked the forgotten kitten out of Azrael's hand and held it to his chest.

They all followed Salem out the front doors just as headlights could be seen through the trees. The warriors guarding the borders knew to let them through and keep a distance. No one was to intervene unless a signal was given. Azrael would prefer not to fight but there was no telling what could happen.

Salem leaned back against his chest, that mask in place and looking bored with everything. He leaned down enough to press his lips against the little male's temple, and even though his expression stayed the same, a soft pink bloomed across his cheeks.

Four black vans sped up the gravel driveway. Brakes screeched as they came to a fast stop. The others shifted in surprise when the back of the vans opened and eight suited up guards got out of each one. They all wore the same thing. Black bullet proof vest, black cargo pants with knee pads, black helmets with visors. It was the weapons they held that made Azrael's skin prickle with the urge to shift.

He always had a distaste for guns.

Two black town cars were the last to pull up in front of the house and the guards surrounded them. They watched as the four figures exited the cars, dressed much like the Caster had been in black robes.

Azrael had heard stories about the Council and it's members. How they collected the strongest individuals to join them. It was rare for members of the Council to leave their headquarters, much less four of them all at once. Knowing they were here because of Salem made his muscles tense in preparation for a shift.

They stopped a few feet away from them and the armed guards moved aside so the robed figures could be in front.

"Does the Council not abide by the laws they enforce?" Salem asked, still petting his kitten.

They didn't answer him but one of the robed figures waved to a guard. Two of the guards moved to one of the town cars and pulled out a blindfolded male. He was skinny with short black hair but it was the mark above his brow that Azrael recognized immediately.

"Ah, you've brought my Caster back." Salem said, standing up a little straighter.

"Nos of house Rah is a member of the Grand Council!" One of the robed figures snapped, loosing some of their composer. The one beside them placed a wrinkled hand on their shoulder.

"Is he?" Salem lifted a brow and Azrael tried not to stare at his Mate and pay better attention. This was no time to be distracted by how pretty the little male was.

The corner of Salem's lips twitched as he held off a smirk and Azrael rolled his eyes. His mind link with his Mate was much different than the one with the pack. Where he could block out the pack, Salem's presence was always there. Like a flickering star in the back of his mind.

"Release him of your dirty magic at once!" It was the same one that spoke before. Azrael's eyes narrowed at the robed figure.

Salem seemed to think about that. "I don't think so..." he smirked.

Another robed figure stepped forward and Azrael placed a hand on Salem's arm, wanting to pull his mate behind him.

"Excuse Council member Vi, although it might not appear so, we want no trouble."

"Then why the guns and silver bullets?" Melisande couldn't help but to speak up. One of the twins pinched her and she hissed swatting him away.

"Only a precaution." They spoke. "Excuse our bad manners, I am Council member Silas and this is Vi, Anderson and Tarlí." The figure pointed out the others. Azrael wasn't interested, he wanted the old bastards out of his territory.

"So you believe yourself above the law?" Salem tilted his head, his pale eyes scanning over them.

"Boy, we are the law."

Azrael growled at the robed figure, not liking the disrespect directed towards his Mate.

"Oh?" Salem had an amused smile, his sharp little canines on display.

"And what brings not one, but four Council members to our territory?" Azrael asked.

"That's demon stole our Caster's magic!" The mouthy one snapped, fangs flashing before the robed figure was a blur.

"Vampire." Azrael growled, pushing Salem behind him before what felt like a boulder slammed into his chest.

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