Ch. 48 Witness

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Watching the baby faced human smile up at Roland with his big doe eyes was making her nauseous and if she wanted to continue eating, she needed to put a stop to it.

"So when are you two going to Mate?" It worked as she planned. Oliver turned beet red and hid his eyes behind his hair. Roland glared at her.

Melisande smirked teasingly at the male, cutting into her steak before taking a large bite.

The mess hall was crowded with pack mates looking for a bit of normality after the eventful days. Melisande was here for the food. She could only find Roland and Oliver to bother however, everyone else seemed to be busy or sleeping in. Her own Mates stayed back to talk to their parents over the phone.

"How is it that you two converse? Neither of you speak up."

Roland's grip on his steak knife tightened, his eyes not leaving his plate. Oliver leaned his head against the big idiots arm and effectively calmed him down. Melisande wasn't pleased. She was dying of boredom and nothing cured that like a good fight. Or maybe some time with her Mates. She preferred a fight at the moment.

"I'm so glad to have abducted you, Oliver." She said with a happy sigh. "It was quite fun too." Oliver didn't seem to agree. Nor did Roland who growled.

Before the big male could jump across the table, Salem's entrance caught their attention. The mess hall quieted down and whispers followed him as he walked towards them.

He was dressed in his regular black attire. Black jeans that looked painted on, black boots that stopped under his knees, and a loose black shirt that had a deep v to expose his chest. Melisande smiled at the little male, happy to see him. It was always more fun getting up to no good with her partner in crime. They haven't done anything fun together in too long, that needed to change.

Salem seemed oblivious to the change in his surroundings as he sat down beside her.

"Are you busy?" He asked her.

"Nope." She smirked. Melisande wondered where his kitten was, she hadn't seen it around the house tormenting everyone.

"I think I'm going to pay the Alphas a visit."

Melisande raised a brow. Last she recalled, her parents wanted Azrael to breed a random female to birth an heir. No matter that he's Mated. She was disappointed with them. They should know the bond between Mated pairs. What it could do to the other if one was to lay with another. She could understand their fear of the pack being without an Alpha if Azrael were to die without an heir, but why couldn't they just suggest a surrogate.

Salem stood up, nodding to Roland and Oliver. The Human actually tried a small smile before hiding his face back into Roland's chest.

Melisande got up and followed Salem out. "So where's Az?" She thought he'd be up forcing everyone outside to train.

"Resting." Salem said shortly. That spiked Melisande's curiosity but she wasn't going to pry. Not yet at least.

"And What are we going to visit my parents for?"

"Just to talk."

Melisande looked at him and he wore a small, almost nonexistent smirk. She chuckled and shook her head. That was even if her parents would entertain them. They were probably busy with their Alpha duties.

She complained about having to walk up two flights of stairs because Salem still refused to take the elevator. Then she complained because he was doing it on purpose to torture her. He could have just teleported them. The little shit.

Melisande raised her fist to knock on her parents office door but Salem just opened it and breezed in. Without invitation.

Her parents looked as surprised as her but she shook it off and shut the door behind her.

"Melisande, Salem, is something wrong?" Her Mother asked, looking up from her computer. Her Father watched them silently, his pen hovering over paper.

"Yes, actually." Salem said. The little male casually sat down on the couch against the wall and crossed his legs. "My Mate respects and loves you too much to challenge you for his position." Salem said pointedly to her father, getting straight to the point. "His instincts however, will not see you as his father but someone who's in the way."

"If Azrael has a problem he can come talk to me himself. Not send you."

Melisande looked between the two, watching Salem's eyes turn cold.

"Azrael doesn't know I'm here."

"Then you should leave now and we'll forget about this." The Madam Alpha finally spoke up. Melisande was surprised her mother could be quiet for so long.

"I'm tired of your disrespect." Salem said to them both, looking as bored as ever. "I have held my tongue because you're my mate's parents and I respect you as the two who took me in. But as of recently, you're attitude towards me has pissed me off."

Melisande's eyes widened. Mostly because she couldn't remember ever hearing Salem curse. Also because he was talking to her parents, the Alpha Pair, like they were below his ranking. And she was starting to believe, maybe they were.

"Azrael doesn't need this pack to be an Alpha, but this pack will need him. You're no longer in your prime, war will take it's tole on you." Salem said simply. Melisande tried not to laugh at him calling her parents old. "However, Azrael will need a pack. It's already affecting him. My Azrael is of legend and you will regret your actions if you hold onto the Alpha title any longer."

Salem stood gracefully, brushing his long hair over his shoulder. He looked between the Alpha pair once more before breezing out of the office much like he entered. Melisande followed.

"Woah." She breathed, feeling like she'd just witnessed something great. Although she wasn't sure why Salem had her tag along just to tell her parents off. "Is there a reason you brought me with you?"

Salem glanced up at her. "You're my witness. I've warned them and now they have a choice to make. Many people will have choices to make." He sighed. "You should go to your Mates, I need to sleep." With that he disappeared with a burst of darkness.

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