Ch. 44 Dreamwalking

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Laying with his eyes shut, Salem listened to the almost silent movements. He appeared to be napping and it's exactly what the curious Night Child thought when he inched closer. He was alone, everyone else out in the yard training as they have been for days on end now. No one was allowed to skip, even the pups were partaking in the grueling hours of close combat and target practice.

Of course it was impossible to keep Salem where he didn't want to be. He had mastered the teleportation, the bending of darkness. Now he tried to work on another skill, one that he had been unconsciously doing for months now.

The air cooled around him as the Night Child leaned over him, inspecting his features closely.

Salem opened his faintly glowing eyes, making the Night Child jump back in fright before trying to compose himself.

He watched him just as intently as the Night Child had watched him in his pretense of sleep. It made the male fidget uncomfortably and bow his head slightly.

"Is there a reason you watch me?" Salem asked, not moving from where he was comfortably laying on the white couch. It was a room the Madam Alpha didn't allow just anyone in, reserved for guest or special company. It was the perfect place for Salem to hide while practicing. Or so he thought.

"What are you?" The Night Child asked.

"You have as good a guess as me, Viron." Salem smirked. "So tell me, what do you think?"

"Demon." He spit. "You weld darkness as if you've seen the pits of Hell."

Salem chuckled softly before stretching out much like Nox would. That made him wonder where his fat little kitten had run off to. He hadn't seen him for days now and he was nowhere in the house, he would have heard word of him attacking the wolves.

Viron watched him with narrowed eyes as he stood from the couch.

"You're Mate seems comfortable acting as part of the pack." Salem smirked, earning a hiss from the male.

"Leave my Mate out of this."

Salem lifted a brow, walking around the male who stood still as a statue. When he was face to face, Salem met his deep blue eyes.

"Half wolf, Half Night fascinating." He purred, taunting the male in front of him. The tension could almost be seen radiating off of the Night Child. "The Hybrids will be very important."

"Our only involvement in this war is to retrieve the key." Viron hissed.

"You know that's untrue." Salem smirked, glancing down at his rings. "Your Mate is not like us, He'll want to save the world much like my Azrael." He admitted for the first time, knowing this male couldn't judge him. He felt selfish, he knew it was selfish. To want to take the people he cared about and hide away. To say to hell with this world and let it all be wasted away. From his experience and the impression left by the people in his life before the pack, this world didn't deserve to be saved. The bad out weighed the good.

He didn't have that choice though. Azrael is too much of a good male. Wolves are too loyal. There was no way Salem would leave his Mate to fight without him, and so his fate was tied to this war.

Viron watched him with a new curiosity. They were more alike then either would ever admit.

"What were you doing? Perhaps I can help." The Night Child offered, although he looked annoyed with himself while doing so.

Salem chuckled and sat back down on the couch. "I've been visiting a male in my dreams but I don't know how to control it."

"Dreamwalking." Viron clarifies, kneeling down beside the couch and directing Salem to lay down. "I don't know wether to be impressed or threatened."

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