Ch. 39 Dreams

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"Fuck off!" Azrael growled at whoever was banging on his bedroom door. They'd been there for a minute now but he was busy.

Salem didn't seem to hear it, or much of anything. The little male's face was red and covered in sweat, his long hair sticking to him as he continued bouncing on Azrael's cock. His pretty pale eyes dazed as he chased his orgasm.

Azrael had no idea how long they've been going at it. Neither of them could get enough of the other. They'd take short naps before waking up and starting all over again.

The banging on the door continued and Azrael growled. Flipping over so Salem was under him, he plowed into the little male. The headboard smacking against the wall blocked out the annoying knocks.

Salem screamed and cried as he finally reached his climax. What little cum was left in him poured from his dick as Azrael continued fucking him, loving the way Salem's tight walls clenched around him and made him groan. His thrusts became sloppy before he slammed into his Mate a final time and growled as he filled Salem up.

They laid there for a minute, trying to catch their breath and come down from their highs. Azrael was sure if it wasn't for the insistent knocking, they'd take a nap to gain enough energy to go again. He knew they'd eventually have to leave the room for food and to clean up but he'd be completely satisfied staying in his room and fucking his Mate into unconsciousness.

Breathing heavily, Azrael pulled out of Salem who whimpered, either in discomfort or loss, Azrael couldn't tell. The little male looked exhausted and he slumped on the bed, his chest rising and falling as he took deep breathes.

Leaning down, he captured Salem's lips in a rough kiss until Salem whined and jerked away for air. Azrael smirked, nipping at his Mate's neck that was already littered with bruised love bites.

"Go to sleep." He told a drowsy Salem, pecking his swollen lips before climbing off the bed. Salem watched him with heavy lidded eyes as he looked for pants. Azrael's once clean and orderly room was a mess. He'd made sure to fuck Salem on every surface and this was the result of that.

Finding a pair of jeans, he pulled them on before looking back at his Mate to make sure he was covered up. The little male was already asleep, the gray sheet covering one of his long legs and his groin. The rest of him was left exposed for Azrael's eyes to feast on.

The knocking on the door reminded him what he was doing and he continued to the door that he unlocked and cracked open.

"What?" He growled, not caring who was on the other side.

Melisande paused in whatever she was saying to Liam to look up at Azrael. Her eyes narrowed on him and her hands went to her hips.

Azrael was pissed off. It's a rule to leave newly mated pairs alone until they're ready to mingle with the pack again. It's a crucial time they spend strengthening their bond. The stronger and more dominant the Wolf, the longer they're going to want to spend away from the pack. As an Alpha, Azrael could have gone months secluded with his Mate, only coming out for food or anything his Mate wanted.

"Whatever Salem did to that Caster, pissed off the Council." Liam was the first to speak up. Azrael let his Beta talk, knowing it must be important for them to interrupt him.

Melisande tried to look around Azrael and he glared at the female.

"They're coming back, we're expecting their arrival tonight."

It took a moment for Azrael to comprehend what Liam was telling him. When the words started making sense, his first thought was to protect Salem.

"What are the Alphas doing in preparation?" He asked, running his fingers through his curls damp with sweat. He needed a shower.

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