Ch. 47 True Forms

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It felt stronger. Like it had only been slowly waking from a deep slumber. It was like an unending well, and the further he dived the stronger the itch was. Like pressure weighing down on him. If he didn't release small amounts of it in some way, he felt like he'd burst.

The black tendrils of his darkness were new. Before he'd only been able to spread the darkness widely but only for a short amount of time. Now, it changed at his will. Leaning against the wall, Salem watched the black silhouette as it stood before him. His own making. He wondered what it was capable of.

Feeling his Mate's anger and confusion was distracting him though and he was about to go check on him when the door opened. The Silhouette vanished and he expected to see the young Caster who had taken to following him around. Not Viktor, the oldest of the two Russian brothers.

"Pasha requests your company." He said formally, still the same male they took from his corrupt uncle.

Salem didn't know what to expect. Pasha was known for being slightly dramatic, but it could be serious as well. He decided to follow Viktor up to the male's room.

On the way, Nosipian found him and followed a few paces behind. Salem didn't mind and took the time trying to contact Azrael through their shared link. The male seemed too occupied with whatever was angering him though and his attempts went unnoticed.

Viktor looked to Nosipian with untrusting eyes and Salem smirked.

"He won't be a problem, it's physically impossible. Right, Nosipian?" Salem asked the young Caster who eagerly nodded. He had a lot to learn and Salem was going to help teach him.

Viktor opened the bedroom door and Salem was the first to enter, taking in his surroundings.

Pasha laid on his bed, his sheet covering his bottom half as he whimpered as if in pain. The muscles in his back shifted under the skin, pushing out against it before settling back down. The sight would have disturbed him if he hadn't been witness to wolves shifting.

"It happened after we had the forced shift. He shifted back and started crying about his back."

Salem moved around the bed, his head tilting as he watched something press against Pasha's skin again. It seemed to be painful because his crying became louder, his claws tearing at the bed.

"The blast, it was magic." Nosipian spoke softly, looking uneasy. "It stripped every spell in this world and forced every non-human into their most primal form."

"It's purpose?" Salem asked.

"So the key could be used. I'm assuming whatever was locked had magic keeping it locked as well."

It made sense and Salem gave the young Caster a small smile. Nosipian blushed and looked down.

"But why is this happening? He had already shifted into his wolf." Viktor said worriedly, hovering over his brother.

"How am I to know?" Salem met the male's light blue eyes.

"You're...fuck, I don't know." Viktor ran his fingers through his usually neat hair with a growl.

"Maybe I can try something?" Nosipian asked, wanting to help. Salem waved him towards the wolf and waited patiently as he murmured spells. Viktor paced around the bed when Pasha's cries grew louder and he started writhing in pain. The young Caster stepped back with sad eyes and shook his head. Nothing worked.

"Maybe there's medicine in the clinic to help with the pain."

"If a Casters magic won't help, why would you think medicine would." Salem sighed. "We'll just wait for whatever's happening to happen." He decided simply. "Soundproof the room."

Nosipian did as he instructed and stood quietly beside him.

It didn't take long for Pasha to start screaming. Whatever was under his skin was pressing out again but this time it didn't settle back down. The young Caster looked away, unable to handle the sight.

Viktor cried, reaching out to touch his brother. They watched ice crawl up his arm and his fingers turned black. Viktor fell back onto the floor, holding his rapidly swelling arm to his chest. Nosipian looked to Salem for his approval before rushing to Viktor and healing his frostbitten hand.

"I'd advise against touching him again." Salem said with an amused smirk. It would appear someone had used magic on the wolf, hiding this part of him from even himself.

The next scream Pasha let out was bone-chilling. They all covered their ears against the high pitched sound but Salem's eyes didn't leave Pasha's form as the skin on his back tore open.

They were covered in blood, pushing from his back and growing until they laid limp on the bed. Pasha screamed until he lost his voice and could only whimper, his body shaking forcefully. They were unmistakable though. The white feathered wings. Only seen before in paintings of holy beings.

Salem's hands dropped from his bloody ears when Pasha finally passed out. From either exhaustion or pain. Most likely both.

Viktor kneeled at the side of the bed, his hand hovering over his brother but knowing better than to touch him again.

"What is he?" Nosipian whispered, having hid behind Salem.

"It doesn't matter. Not right now at least. We should let him rest." Salem said, watching the raw bleeding skin around the base of each wing stitch itself back together. He'd never seen a wolf heal itself so fast. Not even his Mate.

"I'm staying with him." Viktor declared, his eyes not leaving his brother.

Salem led Nosipian out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

"That was crazy!" The young Caster said excitedly. Like he hadn't been scared only moments ago. Salem smirked.

"You should get some rest too, it's been a long day." He didn't wait around as darkness surrounded him and he appeared at the end of his Mate's bed.

Azrael was asleep, still fully clothed as if he hadn't intended on sleeping. Salem kicked off his own shoes before working on untying and pulling off Azrael's boots. His Mate was too long for the king sized bed, his feet hanging off the end.

Stripping down to his underwear, he crawled on top of the big male and stretched out until he was comfortable. Azrael's arms locked around him, keeping Salem pressed against him.

His shadows covered the lightbulb so he wouldn't have to get up to turn off the light, it effectively filled the room with darkness and he cuddled up with Azrael.

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