Ch. 33 The Feast

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Salem stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his finger tapping against his bottom lip, watching the big male dressed in all black admire himself in the mirror. His unruly curls were finally tamed and didn't look like he'd been running his fingers through them all day. Thanks to Salem, whose eyes drifted down, staring at the ass hugged snugly in the black jeans.

"You were right about the hair." Azrael spoke, pulling him from his vivid imagination as he turned towards him. Salem hummed, pressing himself against the male. He couldn't help it, like Azrael was a magnet pulling him in.

"I know." Salem smirked turning away from Azrael and distracting himself by pretending to clean up his cluttered dresser. Azrael came up behind him, his hands resting on the dresser and caging him in. Salem tried ignoring the hardness pressed against his lower back but the heat from it and the male's scent had his own jeans becoming awfully tight.

Concentrating on trying on all the different rings was proven more difficult than it should have been. Azrael picked up a platinum skull and slipped it on Salem's thumb. It had always been too loose and he'd never really worn it. He captured Azrael's hand, the ring fitting perfectly on his pinky.

Azrael kissed the side of his neck, right where he'd marked him. The touch sent chills down his spine and left Salem wanting to do more of what they'd done earlier, but they both knew there wasn't enough time for that.

"Later." Azrael growled, teasingly biting his ear.

Salem inhaled sharply and pressed his ass back against the male. Groaning, Azrael reluctantly pulled away.

Nox was skirting around their feet, chasing a small ball and Salem smiled at his kitten. He'd gotten fatter in the short time he'd had him and his fluffy fur added to his roundness.

Looking himself over in the mirror, he ran his hands over the black silk top he'd left unbuttoned at the top to expose some of his chest and the platinum chains he wore. He liked the way the silk felt against his skin, cool to the touch and smooth. Azrael's eyes didn't rise from his ass but he didn't mind, he was just as guilty.

They left the room together with Nox following behind and trying to keep up. Salem picked him up and passed him to Azrael to hold. The big male let the kitten bite at his fingers.

"Great, you're dressing my brother like you now." Melisande complained from her bedroom, the door left open. Salem poked his head in to glare at the female. His Azrael looked fantastic. She was dressed in a short form fitting black dress and platform heels that made her even taller than she already was. Her golden hair was in waves down her back and her blood red lips were pulled up in a smirk.

"And you look like a slut." The female smiled at his backhanded compliment and ran a hand over her curves. Her Mates lounged on the bed in matching crimson shirts with bored looks, chatting quietly to each other while occasionally glancing at Melisande .

"I know, I'm so happy I finally got these." She said, cheerfully cupping her breast. They were on the smaller side but still more than she once had. The other females would tease her until she started fighting, they quickly learned to keep their comments to themselves.

"I don't know, I'm more of an ass guy myself." He smirked and Azrael coughed, trying to cover up his laugh.

"I bet." Melisande rolled her eyes before snapping at her Mates. "Lets go boys, Mama's hungry." Salem faked a gag and waited for them in the hall before they all made a stop by Pasha's room. The male threw open his door and stood there in his signature white clothes. His eyelids were lined with gold making Salem frown.

"You stole my eyeliner."

"You stole my shirt." Pasha pushed past them and led the way to the elevator.

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