Ch. 46 Anger

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Looking behind him to make sure no one had followed, Azrael ducked into the bathroom and locked the door.

The pack house was crowded. Everyone had questions that no one had answers to. His parents were now distracted with trying to keep pack members calm and he was thankful. For a moment, he thought they had reluctantly accepted his mating to a male. He had been wrong and he was starting to wonder what else he could be wrong about. Like Salem's feelings for him.

Releasing his hold on the porcelain sink when he heard it groan under the pressure, Azrael turned on the cold water and leaned down to splash it on his face.

Almost fearfully, he looked at himself in the mirror and was relieved when it was just himself staring back at him. Something was different though. Not appearance wise, no, something inside him. He could feel it but he didn't really know what he was feeling. It was like pressure building in his chest, strange but familiar.

A gold light wormed its way around his iris' making Azrael stumble back and shut his eyes tightly.

Breathing deeply, he talked himself into opening his eyes again. Clenching his jaw, Azrael looked back into the mirror to meet his amber eyes. The eyes he's always had. He was fine. Nothing was there.

Splashing more water onto his face, he got a towel from under the sink to dry off before unlocking the door to be faced with Salem. The little male stood there, having waited patiently for him to open the door. Azrael didn't understand the point, no locked door could keep him out.

At the sight of his Mate, that pressure in his chest seem to grow warm, as if reacting to him.

"Did you need something?" Azrael grit out, crossing his arms over his chest as if to contain whatever he was feeling.

"We need to talk."

"What about?" Azrael's eyes narrowed, feeling the want to make this more difficult for Salem. It was stupid of him, they did need to talk but Azrael was still upset...hurt.

"Lots of things. For instance, what happened last night." Salem stared up at him with that blank mask that only succeeded in pissing Azrael off. They're mate's, the least Salem could do was show fucking emotion when talking to him.

"What happened last night? I told you I love you, Salem. It might not have been the perfect timing but I meant what I said. You'd know that if you weren't so fond of blocking our bond link." By the end of it Azrael was growling angrily, his teeth clenched as he glared at the little male. He didn't realize it but he was breathing heavily, that heat in his chest spreading.

Salem's slender hand on his chest pushed him back into the bathroom where he followed and a gust of darkness slammed the door shut.

They glared at each other for a moment, neither saying anything, until that mask Salem wore began to slip. He looked like that kid again, frightened and vulnerable. Azrael's glare turned into concern as he moved closer to cup Salem's face.

"I love you too."

Azrael almost didn't hear him but he did and his words warmed his chest in a different way. A way that made it easier to breath. A small smile lifted his lips and he pulled Salem's trembling form against him.

"I love you." Salem repeated a little louder and Azrael felt how much he meant it through their bond. He also felt how scared Salem was to admit it.

Azrael leaned down to kiss the little male, distracting him from his irrational fear.

Salem whimpered softly, his hands fisting Azrael's shirt. "I'm sorry I told you to shut up."

Azrael chuckled, picking up his mate to sit him on the sink so he could stand between his legs. He worked on unbuttoning Salem's black shirt while placing kisses down his neck, knowing better then to damage any of the little male's clothing.

Something made him pause long enough to look into the mirror where he met his glowing eyes.

Jerking back, Azrael turned away from his Mate with his eyes shut. He tried to will it away, whatever it was.

"Azrael?" Salem said but Azrael kept his back towards the little male. "What's wrong? Look at me." He no longer sounded timid, back to being as bossy as ever.

Azrael chuckled and shook his head. Hesitantly, he turned back around to face Salem with his eyes downcast.

Salem jumped down from the sink, his shirt half unbuttoned and drawing Azrael's attention. Salem met his eyes and in response, his pale eyes started glowing softly. Azrael had never been afraid of them, his Mate is beautiful and strong. Stronger than him.

A knock on the door disturbed them and Azrael looked away from his Mate.

Salem got the door that Azrael kept his back to, not wanting anyone else to see.

"I found that thing you were looking for." Azrael growled at the voice of the vampire. The male sounded to be out of breath and Azrael was tempted to turn around to see this thing he had for his Mate.

"You fucking mosquito!" Melisande shouted from down the hall, her steps heavy as if she were stomping.

Azrael glanced in the mirror seeing that his eyes were back to normal. Turning around, he moved to stand behind Salem. The vampire pressed a thick leather bound book to Salem's chest before disappearing in a blur. Melisande shot past the bathroom, running after the male.

"What's that?" Azrael asked, not seeing a title on the book.

"I'll show you later. We should stop Mel before she kills the Night Child."

In response they heard a loud bang followed by the male screaming.


Pacing the length of his room, Azrael tried to shake out the tension making his muscles ache. He couldn't relax. Most of the night was spent trying to calm down parents whose pups had their first shift well before their time. That was until he'd gotten angry. It had come out of nowhere, there was nothing to trigger it. He was coaching a pup how to shift back when he had gotten the urge to punch something. The pup had whimpered and ran off, from the itch in his eyes he was sure they were glowing again.

Finding Salem had been his main priority but he wasn't anywhere to be seen and Azrael couldn't pick up a strong enough scent. It had only pissed him off further.

Growling, he ripped off his sweaty shirt and threw it across the room. He wanted his Mate but he also wanted to stay away from him while he was like this. Azrael didn't know what was going on or where this sudden anger was coming from. It wasn't safe for anyone to be around him right now. Like it was it's own being and he had no control over it.

Azrael sat on the edge of his bed and held his aching head. He needed to calm down. He needed Salem. His Mate, with his pretty pale eyes and smooth skin. Salem, who loves him.

The memory of Salem's whispered words to him only hours ago seemed to do the trick and Azrael felt his heart slow from its erratic beating. Releasing his hair from the tight grip, Azrael fell back onto the bed. He was okay, everything was okay. At least he hoped so.

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