Ch. 30 Bonding

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"My love, please,"

"We're sorry, it won't happen again."

Melisande continued walking away from the twins. Stupid fools. They've been following her around for days like lost pups. Her parents wouldn't have found out about how Oliver came to be if it wasn't for them. Now she was on kitchen duty, all because they can't keep their big mouths shut. Nikhil blocked her path down the hall, his hard face set in a scrawl unlike Akhil who was pouting.

"We miss our Mate, your scent, your taste." Nikhil ran his eyes over her body which was heating up under the intense stare.

"The sound of your sweet moans." Akhil said beside her ear, making her shiver. They could smell her arousal as much as she could smell theirs. She couldn't help how her body reacted to them and it only fueled her to push them away.

"Not now, I'm busy." She moved around them but they still followed. She didn't really have anywhere to go or anything to do but she wasn't telling them that. She was close to welcoming them back into her bed and she wasn't ready to yield just yet.

She threw open Salem's bedroom door and froze with her jaw dropping.

Salem and Azrael were cuddled together on the bed with ugly green clay masks on their faces and that hell cat on Salem's chest. They looked up from the movie they were watching on Salem's laptop and stared at her expectantly.

"What the hell?" Her Mates snickered behind her and she crossed her arms. "I thought I'd walk in on Salem tying you up or something, not...this."

"Are you into that kind of thing?" Azrael questioned Salem who shrugged. Melisande shook her head in exasperation.

"Salem, remember that thing we need to talk about." She bared her teeth in what she hoped appeared as a smile.

"Oh, right, that thing." He played along, pushing Azrael away who was glaring daggers at her.

"We haven't finished the movie!" Azrael pushed away Salem's hands and cuddled further into the bed. Melisande tapped her foot, feeling the twins presence behind her. "It just got to the good part."

"You mean the sad part!"

"Hey, I like Scar."

"That's horrible." Salem says, petting his new kitten.

"You two are idiots." Melisande intervened, knowing they'll keep going. She stepped in the room and shut the door on her Mates whose displeasure she could feel through the bond. "Are you really watching cat movies with the cat?" She peaked at the laptop and they really were. She couldn't believe they'll be her Alphas one day.

"We're bonding." Azrael snapped. "You could be doing the same thing instead of bothering us."

"Well, I want to talk to Salem." Azrael growled and sat up, ready to spit his mean words at Melisande who glared back at him.

"Azrael, it's time to clean your face anyways." Salem nudged him and the male huffed. Melisande grinned and moved aside so Azrael could get through the door. The big brute bumped her shoulder like the immature asshole he is. "Make it fast, Mel." Salem sat there petting that cat lazily.

"Have you figured out what that whole deadly kiss thing was?" She was about to lay across his bed but thought better of it and claimed his desk chair that was half covered with clothes. "You basically snatched that poor kid's soul."

"No." Salem sighed. "But I think I can do more." He whispered, moving closer like they do when they gossip.

"Like what?" Melisande asked skeptically. If Salem moved any closer she was gonna spring up out of the chair. She wasn't going to let him suck out her soul. She wondered how her brother was still alive after what one kiss did to poor Oliver, he was still feeling sick.

"Like this." He said just as the bedroom door opened. Azrael walked in grumpily with a wet rag in his hand. Salem blew her a kiss and she felt her throat close as the air was stolen from her lungs. She clutched at her throat as she tried to gasp in breaths of air. It only lasted a couple seconds but it was enough to have her falling to her knees and scooting away from him. Azrael was kneeling down in front of her, his eyes wide.

"Mel? Mel, what's wrong?" Azrael was working himself up into a panic and his evil Mate just sat there petting that cat. Melisande pulled herself up to her feet once she could breathe again.

"What the fuck was that?!" She yelled. Azrael let out a sigh of relief before standing in front of Salem and wiping the mask off for him. "You could have killed me, you didn't know what that could have done."

"You lived, didn't you." Salem rolled his eyes but didn't move his face from Azrael's hold. "I can feel it, I knew what I was doing."

Melisande rubbed her neck, remembering how it felt completely shut off. She scampered towards the door. She'd rather deal with her Mates than be the victim to that again.


Melisande laid sprawled out on Pasha's bed, the white duvet felt cool against her hot skin and she was thankful for it. She'd just gotten out of the shower after washing off all the blood and sweat from training. The day was one of the hottest this year and she didn't care for it too much. She'd spent most of the day seeing how skilled her Mates were in combat, thankfully they're as skilled as they are in bed. Her cooling skin instantly heated at the memory of them shirtless and sweaty.

Groaning, she rolled onto her stomach and looked over at Pasha who was glaring at the hell cat, Nox, that was sitting on the bed watching Salem. Pasha had complained about the kitten's black fur shedding on his bed but he was really just holding a grudge because the tiny thing didn't like him. To be fair, the kitten didn't like anyone. She could tell that the small male just wanted to cuddle it but wouldn't risk getting near it again.

Pasha was one of those types that made themselves at home anywhere. Once her father told the Russian brothers that after a two month trial period with good behavior, they could join the pack permanently, the small male didn't waste any time decorating his room. Her bedroom walls are pink and even her room wasn't so...girly. The white iron bed frame had fairy lights wrapped around it and there was a white fur rug in front of the body mirror. All the accents were a soft pink.

"I'm taking this." Salem spoke from where he was half inside Pasha's closet. She was use to this and knew to hide what she didn't want Salem to get his hands on.

"Wait, what is it?" Pasha was trying to see around Salem and she watched with mild amusement as the two small males fought against each other. "No! You can't have that."

"It'll look better on me anyways." Salem was backing away towards the room door with Pasha trying to grab whatever it was he had. "I'll give it back." He lied and Melisande scoffed.

"You're such a bitch." Pasha whined and crossed his arms. Salem raised a brow before slipping from the room. The door instantly swung open again and Salem rushed in to grab his waiting kitten before rushing back out. "Has anyone found out what he is? I mean, he's obviously not Human." Pasha stopped by the mirror to fix his hair before stretching out across his bed.

"Nope." Melisande rolled so she was facing the small male. "Not a shifter or a Witch, we'd know the scent and definitely not one of those Night Children." Melisande ran a hand over her throat, remembering what her best friend had done. If she was honest, it creeped her out. The power he radiates, it grows each day. The human, Oliver, wouldn't even come out of Roland's room.

"You know, my people have stories." Melisande waited for him to continue. "The favored children." He flashed a small smile. "Immortals. Though theres no record of them besides hearsay and those who claim to have seen them."

"Never heard of them." Melisande shrugged. She didn't really care, as long as Salem didn't turn all villain on their asses. Which she highly doubted with the way he hung all over her brother. She was surprised they weren't fully mated yet. She couldn't deny her wolf's need to be mated after just meeting the twins. She couldn't imagine how Azrael was ignoring his wolf, especially being an Alpha.

"My father would tell us stories about them. How they once lived amongst us and how Humans believed them to be gods."

"Then where'd they go?" She asked, distracted by her Mates trying to reach her through their link, even after she blocked them.

"That's the thing, No one knows."

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