Ch. 19 The Angel

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Melisande fixed the silver glitter on Salem's eyelids before looking over the black mesh top and tight black jeans he wore under the trench coat that hung just below his knees. She raised her brow at her brother in question but the big male just glared at her. She huffed and backed away from the Human to look him over.

He looked good enough to sell to a brothel.

Leading the way from the dark alleyway to the hookah bar, Melisande thought over the plan. Which originally only involved herself and Salem but her brother wouldn't let the Human out of his sight after being saved by him and had insisted he come with. Liam and Rolland watched over Viktor Volkov, Nikolai Volkov's nephew who had promised to share everything he knew if they helped his little brother. Liam and Rolland were making sure the male didn't try to run off, not that she expected him to.

After paying their way in, a Human girl led them through a door. Inside, smoke hung low and the only lighting was from artfully arranged lanterns, keeping most of the room obscured by shadows. The walls were covered in paintings of naked men and women in various poses wrapped in silks and each other. Red booths lined the walls with round tables that held hookahs in the center. Soft music played and in the center of the room dancers moved sensuously as a form of entertainment.

The girl led them to a booth but Melisande stopped her with a bright smile. "We actually want a word with the Keeper." She said lowly before glancing at Salem. The girl looked over to the beautiful Human before smiling and leading them further into the room. They walked through a beaded doorway and Melisande looked around curiously. She'd never been into a place like such and watched as a giggling girl led a older man into a curtained off room. Melisande peaked through another curtain to see a half dressed officer between the legs of a woman as another stood beside her, using her mouth to pleasure himself. Moans and groans sounded from every direction and Melisande wondered exactly how many people were back here.

Their guide finally stopped at a door and knocked, only opening it when a voice from behind called out. Melisande walked into the room to see a fat man sitting on an array of colorful pillows. His fingers were covered in gold rings that matched the multiple chains around his neck. His small eyes instantly landed on Salem, a smile spreading across his face. They watched the short man roll onto his knees before pushing himself up. He waddled towards them and snatched Salem's hand, wetly kissing the top.

"You, my beauty, make my boy's and girls look like nothing but ordinary toys." Salem's lips lifted slightly and he hummed his agreement. "The clients you alone will bring in, You can be my diamond amongst common stones, my rose amongst daisies." Melisande had to force herself not to laugh and it was a difficult task. Salem inched closer to the male, his eyelids lowering.

"Whisper to me more of your honeyed words and maybe I'll gift you with a kiss." The short man giggled and clapped his jewel covered hands.

"Of course...oh my bad manners! Come, come." He waved for Melisande and Azrael to join them as he led Salem to his pillows and pulled him down beside him. The siblings sat down across from them, watching Salem turn the man into a giggling fool. "Can I offer you anything? I will have one of my girls sent for the big one." He picked up a golden bell and rang it, a girl entering the room quickly.

"I think he will prefer one of your boys, the most beautiful and...alluring." Salem's voice was like smooth velvet, his words running over the man and leaving his eyes filled with his lust.

"Oh course, Ira, bring in my Angel." The girl bowed her head before leaving. The Keeper ran his fingers over Salem's long braid that hung over his shoulder like a snake. A spread of fruits and wine were laid out on the small table between them. The fat man's eyes followed Salem's mouth as he bit into a gold covered strawberry. It was crazy how easily the Human could trap males in his web. Her own brother was entrapped and all but drooling as he watched him in a sort of daze.

The door opened and a male as small as Salem entered. His shoulder length platinum blond hair had clear jewels weaved through it, making the candle light flicker off them. His skin was pale but with a soft golden undertone and his face was almost effeminate but it was his eyes that drew you in, a bright ice blue that seemed to glow from within. The small male only wore thin white pants that hung low on his hips and showed that he wore nothing beneath them.

His bright eyes landed on Salem who was so effortlessly turning his master into nothing more then a gawking idiot.

"Oh! Oh, this is my Angel." The Keeper waved for the male to sit beside Azrael and Melisande noticed Salem's eyes harden only briefly as the male smiled up at her brother and leaned in close to greet him. Salem went back to distracting the Keeper, never touching him but allowing the man to play with his hair or let his hand grasp his own.

"Let us go somewhere private." Salem purred, finally laying a small hand on the man's meaty arm. The Keeper couldn't get up fast enough and Salem smirked at them before following the man into another room.

"He shouldn't be alone with that perv." Azrael hissed, making the small male beside him pull back. Melisande smiled over at him.

"Hello, Pasha. It's good to see you're at least alive. Your brother wasn't so sure, he said he lost contact with you a few months ago." The male's mask fell and he looked between the siblings.

"My brat?" He also spoke with a thick Russian accent but unlike his brother's, it was somehow musical. "How is he? Is he well?" He asked quickly but was smart enough to keep his voice low.

"Viktor waits for us to return you to him." A beautiful smile spread across the male's face but it quickly fell.

"But you can't, my uncle..."

"Is dead. Salem shot a silver arrow through his heart." Melisande indicated towards the door the Human had disappeared behind.

"But they own me, I am here until my contract is up." Melisande snorted.

"This contract?" Salem breezed through the doorway holding a piece of paper, his eyes sparkling as he looked over his new golden rings. When Pasha nodded, Salem ripped the contract in two and threw the pieces on the candles to burn. Melisande stood up to look into the room to see the fat man tied up to his desk chair and gagged with a piece of torn cloth, squealing like a pig. Melisande laughed loudly.

"Looks like we're free to go, get anything you want to take with you."

The male quickly ran out the room, his smile unwavering.

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