Ch. 49 Alpha

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Gasping for breath, Salem shot up out of his sleep abruptly. Azrael moved back quickly, having been hovering over the little male. Worriedly, he wiped away the bloody tears that fell from his Mate's eyes. The book didn't say anything about this happening.

"It's done." Salem whispered before throwing himself at Azrael and hugging him tightly. "He accepted me and I shared with him everything I've been given."

Azrael rubbed soothing circles on his Mate's back, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "That's what you needed to do, right?" He asked, unsure. Salem had told him about his ability to dreamwalk. How he could visit the unconscious minds of others. How he's been doing it unknowingly for weeks now. The vampire had helped him learn to control it but he still wasn't very strong.

"Yes." Salem whispered. "The choice he makes is going to affect all of us. The world even."

"Who is he?" Azrael asked.

"I don't know. But we're the same."

Azrael had more questions but he knew Salem was tired and needed the sleep. Actual sleep. So he held his Mate, running his fingers through his hair until they both fell asleep.

When he woke up, he expected something to have drastically changed but there was nothing. The sun was high in the sky and he could hear pups playing out in the yard. There was no chirping from birds or squirrels running through the trees. The animals had disappeared.

Shifting, Azrael realized Salem wasn't in the bed with him. It pissed him off. Ever since that blast he's been unable to control his anger, easily triggered by simple things or sometimes nothing at all. Being around Salem helped some. But not enough. Just the thought of not having control of himself angered him.

Growling in his pillow, Azrael got a whiff of Salem's citrusy sweet scent. Like oranges and jasmine. Nothing could ever smell as good.

The door opened and Azrael looked up, ready to curse whoever it was out. Luckily, it was his Mate. Hair wet and dripping, naked body only covered by the towel he held around his hips. Grumbling approvingly, Azrael sat up with his back against the headboard and watched Salem.

He was little, compared to wolves. Azrael had noticed he was taller among humans but he couldn't stop thinking of him as the little male he needed to protect. His figure lithe, his waist slightly curvy and his legs long. Azrael appreciated the sight of his Mate, his unblemished olive skin that he knows is smooth to the touch.

Salem looked up at him, a knowing smirk tugging at his full lips. Being the male he is, he dropped the towel exposing all of himself to Azrael.

"Come here." Azrael commanded roughly, licking over his dry lips.

His Mate did as he was told, climbing up on the bed and crawling towards him to straddle his lap.

"Yes, Alpha?" Salem's voice was low, soft. He knew what he was doing. Knew what he did to him, how his body reacted to him.

Azrael gripped Salem's hair, pulling on it so the little male's slender neck was exposed. Brushing his lips over his mark, he smirked from the whimper he got in response. He loved how vocal Salem could be. How he could make him scream for him.

He needed to taste him. Kissing the little male roughly, Azrael gripped his hips to keep him from grounding down onto him.

Something happened. Something Azrael never expected to feel while ravishing his Mate's mouth.

Anger. It made his grip on him become painfully tight, enough so that Salem pulled back from the kiss.


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