Ch. 12 A Room of Gold

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Melisande let her head fall back against the male's shoulder as his hands slid up her sides, his fingers ghosting over the underside of her full breast before sliding back down to her hips. Another male stood in front of her, his lips leaving wet open mouth kisses over her neck and jaw. Fingers gripped her chin and her face was turned towards the third male, his lips sealing over hers in a steamy kiss.

A hand brushed aside the thin fabric of the black dress she wore, the slit up to her hip left her leg bare to them. It clung to her curves and was sheer enough to expose her breast, leaving nothing to the imagination. Working in her favor and capturing the males attention.

The room smelled strongly of sex and the heavy scent of incenses that burned. The lighting was low and yellow, adding to the mood and making her golden hair a sharp contrast in the room. A low pulsing song filled the space among the various moans and gasps of pleasure, a drumbeat sounding wild and erotic, giving a heartbeat to their lust.

Melisande's eyes rolled, scanning over those in various stages of intercourse until her eyes landed on the circular shaped bed in the center of the room. She'd only reached the burgundy sheets before another male pulled her into a rough kiss. A low moan escaped at the feel of a hand sliding up the inside of her thigh. They had her in a corner, not far from the door where they had pulled her to them in their impatience.

Her ears picked up the soft giggle over the others in the room and her eyes snapped again towards the bed. His waist-length black hair was like ink against his olive skin, the male he straddled running his hands through it and across his bare back. Melisande watched his slender form as he rolled his hips, making the male under him groan. The male's hands moved to his front that Melisande couldn't see but the boy's back arched and his head fell back.

Moving aside the male in front of her, she stepped away, making them groan from their loss before turning their attention to each other. She strode towards the bed, her dress brushing against her ankles that held thin gold chains similar to the one around her neck. Pale eyes turned on her as she climbed up to the platform, his sultry smile daring her to come closer.

"I was wondering when you'd join us, Melisande." Her name rolled off the male's tongue, his thick Spanish accent and purred words sounding as erotic as the scene around them. He sat up and pulled her into a kiss that stole the breath from her lungs.

"Does my human not please you, Miguel?" She breathed, holding the back of his head as his lips brushed over her shoulder and his teeth caught one of the thin strap holding up her dress.

"The perfect tease." The male groaned, his hand slipping under her dress and sliding up her thigh but she stopped him before he could take what he wanted. Melisande raised a groomed brow and turned towards Salem. The little human ground down on the male's erection, earning a growl.

The two of them worked together, teasing the male and working him until he was all but begging for his release.

Miguel reached out to pull down the black silk pants that hung sensuously low on Salem's hips but Melisande stopped him once again.

"Is that what you want? A peak?" She asked against his ear, his skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Melisande ran a single finger down the center of Salem's unblemished chest, Miguel's eyes following the slow movement down the boy's lithe body. He swallowed when she got to his pants and pulled them down ever so slightly before letting them go. He groaned and fell back against the bed, as sexually frustrated as one could get.

All it took was a few heated glances and Salem's effortless charm and the male had invited his young visitors to join him in his bed. It had been Salem's idea, he'd heard of the male's often talked about orgies and she was right to trust him on this. She would have had a more...aggressive approach.

Melisande removed the chain that hung between her breast and switched places with Salem, throwing her leg over the male so that she was laying above him and letting her body rub against his. She ran her hands down each of his arms before gripping his wrist and moving them above his head. She made short work of it and used the chain to bound his wrist tightly together. Miguel raised a brow with a smirk.

Sliding off him, Salem got back into place above the male. The little human moved so quickly that she almost missed it. She didn't even know where he had hid the slim stiletto blade but in a blink he had the silver held dangerously close to the male's throat.

"What the fuck?!" Miguel tried to sit up but the two kept him in place.

"Consider this a warning, if you speak out of turn again, Salem here doesn't hesitate." Melisande laid on her side beside the two, her face only inches from the male's. "Now, tell us why a male of your standing," her finger drew a circle around his nipple. "With enough power to be an Alpha, has created a home here for the banished and unwanted." The male just stared at her until she pinched his nipple, twisting it and making him cry out.

"Just because they are banished and unwanted does not make them bad!" He rushed, eyes flashing between her and Salem who held the silver a centimeters above his throat. Melisande smiled and nodded in agreement. That was not why they were here, she was just playing with him and enjoying herself.

"Now tell us what you know of Ivan Vasilek." Miguel gave a short laugh as if not believing he'd heard right.

"No one fucks with the Russian." The male said shortly. They waited, letting their silence press him forward. "He plays with death and Dark magic." The male shuddered under Salem, his eyes shutting briefly.

"And you worked with him."

"No." Miguel shook his head slightly, still wary of the silver blade. "He fucked me until he grew bored and then paid for my time." He growled, his eyes darkening. "Only those who want to meet their end work with the Russian and if I were you, I'd stop looking for whatever it is you're trying to find." Melisande met Salem's pale eyes before looking back to Miguel.

"Your sister is mated to him." He jerked from her words as if they were coated in silver.

"My Estela died thirty six years ago." Salem pressed the blade down, knowing his words were not true. Miguel bared his canines to the boy atop him. "She slit her wrist with a silver blade a year after being trapped in that damn fortress. Whatever lives within her is not my little sister." He hissed the last part, his eyes shutting as if in pain.

Salem pulled the blade from his skin. Melisande wished for a moment that she was able to create a mind link with Salem but the human seemed to know her well enough because he sat up, the silver knife disappearing as quick as it appeared. Melisande leaned over Miguel and smiled.

"We'll be in touch." With a flick of her wrist, her gold chain unbound his wrists and she fastened it back around her neck.

The two got off the bed, walking side by side as they left behind the room filled with Wolves consumed by their lust.

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